Chapter 4: Not-So-Little Changes

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Morning [6:39 am]

My eyes flutter open as I stretch out my arms and legs. I could feel them ache slightly as my muscles gave off a sore feeling. A small groan left my lips as I sat up from my bed. I was still in the guest bedroom when I looked around the room.

   I scratched the back of my head as everything seemed to clear up. My vision was completely vivid, so much so that I could see the dust in the air. My ears picked up on a bark, it sounded as if it was right beside me. But when I looked through the blinds on the windows, I could see one of my neighbors waking there dog, normal right?

   It would've been, if they hadn't lived five houses down.

   That wasn't all, I smell things. I could smell the wet grass from outside, the strong cologne coming from upstairs, and a delicious aroma of strawberries and yogurt coming from somewhere, weird. As I stood from the bed, everything looked a bit smaller.

As I moved over to the door my body felt lighter, more agile. I snuck my way out the room and headed upstairs. Once I made it to my room I picked out some clothes. I grabbed a towel from closet and started up the water. I carefully removed my bandages and threw them into the trash, but I froze.

   The scratches that once covered my stomach and waist were no longer there, in its place were 3 faded claw marks. When I pulled the bandage from my neck and felt over it, not feeling any scars or swelling, just a weird bumpy texture and tingling sensation.

   I decided to worry about it after my shower and pull down my pants. I really wish I hadn't when something appeared out of nowhere, something I didn't know I had, something I wasn't supposed to have.

   I really didn't want to say what it was, as I wasn't comfortable saying it, not that I could say anything anyway considering I lost my voice as soon as it popped up. My jaw hung loosely as I continued to stare at it. Why was it...why do I have...

   It twitched slightly when I went to poke it. I mean, at least it was big. And when did my hands get so big, so muscly and veiny. It was kinda hot. I shook my head as my thoughts trailed away from the matter at hand, right now I have a...a thing.

   Let's just say my hands aren't the only ones with veins. A small scrunch crossed my face as I stared at one for the very first time, granted it was mine, but it's still my first.

   How do I even.. I do have boxers but how am I supposed to use 'it'. How is this even possible?! I'm a girl, not a...whatever you would call me. And I mean no offense, but this shouldn't be possible.

I let out multiple breaths as I shook out my hands, trying to take in the situation as calmly and quietly as possible.

   Panicking won't do anything but make things worse, the last thing I need is someone busting in here because they heard me screaming. I let out one final breath before looking away from it. I'll just take my shower and get dressed, I don't have to go to school today so I'll just chill in here for a bit. As for now, I need that shower, this thing is starting to stand up.

   I think it was because of that thing, what was it again, 'morning wood'?

30 Minutes Later
[7:08 am]

   After my shower I walked into my walk with the towel wrapped around my body. I dropped it as soon as I reached my bed, I took a double take when I noticed myself standing in front of the full body mirror right beside my dresser.

   "" I mumbled as I took in my complete figure.

   My once straight black hair was now full of small curls. My eyes had went from hazel to a faded amber, my once lightly tanned skin was bordering brown. My arms and legs were now covered in muscles. My flat stomach now harbored abs and dare I say, my breasts were slightly bigger and perkier.

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