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The sinister leader of the Monstar syndicate hell-bent on conquering the galaxy, Zodiax's original body was slain thousands of years ago by Asher the phoenix knight, however his dark spirit managed to live on and continue his reign of terror by hopping from body to body, going under many different cover identities with every new host body (Zodiax isn't even his real name, saying what his real name is would be a huge spoiler) the Monstar syndicate's goal is to drain enough energy from the cores of inhabited planets to restore Zodiax's original body, as Zodiax is vulnerable in the fragile human shell he currently inhabits. Zodiax is a 100% American-made villain not from Kyuranger, AI-generated art created by yours truly.

 Zodiax is a 100% American-made villain not from Kyuranger, AI-generated art created by yours truly

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Zodiax's loyal second-in-command who commands the Monstar syndicate's armies of ground troops. he's fiercely loyal to his master, along with being a formidable opponent in the battlefield. basically serves as the muscle of Zodiax's crew, more brawn than brains (basically the dumb brute archetype) but hey at least he lasts a bit longer than his sentai counterpart did.

 basically serves as the muscle of Zodiax's crew, more brawn than brains (basically the dumb brute archetype) but hey at least he lasts a bit longer than his sentai counterpart did

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Pierce's older Antarean half-brother, Scorpio is a traitor to his own kind as he sold his own people into slavery after becoming the new ruler of Antares, a title he obtained by killing his biological father in ritual combat. Scorpio was offered by Zodiax to join his ranks and become a general in his army with as many riches as he could possibly want. unlike Pierce who was a half-breed (born to an Antarean princess for a mom and a human farmer for a dad) Scorpio is a full-blooded Antarean both his parents being Antarean royalty (albeit a result of an arranged marriage without the mom's consent) Scorpio hates his younger brother with a passion (mainly because he blames his brother for getting his mom killed as she was executed for falling in love with a human)

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