Episode 2: Defenders of the stars

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Our episode opens up with a flashback to Leon's childhood where Alan (Leon's dad) says goodbye to his 8-year-old son at the NASADA spaceport before boarding the shuttle and blasting off, as we transition to young Leon sitting at home watching news coverage of Alan Holt's disappearance during the space mission causing him to shed a tear before we cut to present day Gamma base where we see Leon in his red PJs sleeping in his personal quarters only for Draco to blare an airhorn in his ear causing him to fall out of bed, Leon asks Draco what the big deal is and Draco says "rise and shine kiddo first day of ranger training starts today". we then cut to Leon (now changed into his training uniform matching the ones Cami and Marlon are wearing) entering the simudeck while Siryn and Draco watch, Cami telling Leon "good morning, fearless leader" Leon telling her "no thanks to the big purple dragon blaring an airhorn in my ear, does he ever do that with you guys?" while Marlon is busy writing in his notebook while admiring Siryn. Cami asks him "what are you up to now lover boy?" Marlon then says "writing a love poem for Siryn" Cami sighs, saying "you're hopeless" Leon looks at Siryn looking disapprovingly from the window and asks Marlon "wait, are you seriously in love with the bird lady?" Cami tells Leon "the two of them were classmates in the ranger program prior to Marlon getting demoted to zord repair duty, meanwhile Siryn remained at the top of her class, a straight A student in mechanical engineering. she helped develop most of the tech used in this very space station" Siryn watches as Marlon flexes his muscles for her making her cringe before asking Draco "you sure these three are the right choices to be power rangers, commander?" Draco then tells her "I didn't choose them, the Nova Crystals did. don't worry Siryn, with my guidance and the proper training the three of them will for sure become a formidable force that the Monstar syndicate will come to fear" Siryn then says "if you say so commander, although we still need five rangers to properly form the Supernova Megazord" Draco then tells her "we'll worry about that later, just start the simulation" Siryn then puts her goggles on before pressing buttons on the console causing a bunch of hologram Phasers to materialize around our heroes. Draco speaks through the microphone telling the three that their goal is to concentrate on working as a team. the trio do an insta-morph Leon wielding the Nova sword against the simulated footsoldiers while Cami and Marlon fight with their blasters the three bickering with each other while fighting, however the trio trip over each other and easily get beaten by the simulation causing them to de-morph. Draco speaks into the mic saying "I didn't see a whole lotta teamwork on display right there!" making all three groan, Cami saying "not my fault Leon is such a sucky leader!" Leon then tells Marlon "and it's not my fault Marlon keeps getting goo-goo eyes for some pink bird!" Siryn tells Draco "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that" Draco assuring Syrin that he'll think of something before we cut to Zodiax's fortress on the Cimmerian planet where Zodiax and Hegemon watch amongst a crowd of spectators as a black minotaur-like alien with cybernetic arms and legs fights a Copyguard hand-to-hand in the pit, the minotaur alien easily besting the Copyguard in combat. Zodiax asks Hegemon "so is this the guy you've been recommending to me?" Hegemon tells Zodiax "Indeed my liege, his name is Tarus, a Minotauri from the planet Albyrinth. He has fought for our empire's entertainment as a gladiator for many years now, and I believe he is worthy of fighting for us against the rangers on the battlefield" Zodiax calls out to Tarus, exclaiming "Tarus, do you accept the call to fight for the Monstar syndicate and crush our enemies the power rangers beneath your heel?" Tarus pulls an axe out of the ground and holds it up in the air exclaiming "anything for you, Lord Zodiax!" Zodiax then tells Hegemon "he's perfect" we then cut back to Gamma base where we see the three Supernova rangers taking a water break as they watch other cadets training, Marlon noticing Siryn walking towards him before asking her in a flirtatious manner "hey Siryn, so were you impressed by my mad skills during ranger training or what?" Siryn then tells him "you mean how got your butt kicked by the simulation on easy mode? I must admit I was impressed by how embarrassing it was" making Marlon feel ashamed, Cami telling her "go easy on him Syrin, he tried so hard to impress you" as she pats Marlon on the back. Leon asks Syrin "so what did you come here for?" Syrin then tells Leon "Commander Draco has requested you three to meet in the bridge immediately, there's something he's been wanting to talk to you about" we then cut to Leon, Cami, and Marlon entering the bridge where Commander Draco shows projects a holographic starmap from the holotable, Draco telling the three "since the Nova crystals scattered after you three uncovered them on Zordnia, Space Patrol Gamma has been hard at work locating the remaining Nova crystals with the hopes of recruiting new rangers for this training program if we find them" Leon then tells Draco "that's what the Morphin' masters told us to do before they disappeared, to seek out the new champions of the Nova crystals" Draco tells the three "this is going to be a dangerous mission with many areas of space under control of the Monstar syndicate. but since you three seem to have trouble working together, I have decided that a mission like this would be a perfect opportunity for some good ol' fashion character-building. so I will be sending you three to Mirinoi, as the planet is currently under attack by the Monstar syndicate" Draco touching the holographic image of the planet causing the holo-table to switch over to video footage of Mirinoi being attacked by Phasers and Copyguards much to the trio's horror. Draco explains to the three that he believes that the Monstar syndicate are after something, and he believes it to be another one of the Nova Crystals. we then cut to the Lion zord being deployed from Gamma base while Draco watches with Siryn by his side, Draco saying "good luck, rangers" before we cut to the surface of Mirinoi where the planet's natives flee from hordes of Phasers and Copyguards, only for the Mega Mondrill to enter the planet's atmosphere beaming Zodiax, Hegemon, and Tarus to the planet's surface. Zodiax tells his footsoldiers "leave no stone unturned, burn the whole village to the ground if it means finding those Nova crystals!" the Copyguards firing missiles at the trees causing an explosion that makes the whole forest catch ablaze, Tarus watching in horror as villagers flee realizing that this may not have been what he signed up for, saying to himself "this is not how I imagined my first day as a general of the Monstar syndicate turning out to be" as they are being watched by a mysterious hooded canine-like humanoid from the bushes who sneaks off. meanwhile in the jungle outside the village Leon, Cami, and Marlon step out of the red lion zord after it lands on the planet's surface followed by the lion flying back into space. the three start trekking through the jungle while bickering, Cami arguing with Leon about how he was never meant to be leader, Leon telling her "I never asked to be leader, that was Draco's decision" Marlon interjects suggesting that maybe there's a reason why Draco picked him to be leader, like maybe he saw some kinda special quality in Leon or something. Cami sighs, saying "I never understand what goes on in that crazy dragon's mind sometimes, all those years in space must've made him loopy" the three then notice villagers flee while the forest is burning all around them as they are suddenly attakced by phasers leading to the three getting into an unmorphed fight, the three arguing with each other over who gets to take out the most phasers, only for the mysterious hooded wolfman from earlier to suddenly join the fight attacking the phasers in a very savage fighting style, Cami exclaiming "who's this guy?" Leon then tells him "whoever he is, he's clearly on our side" the hooded canine pulls down his hood after taking out the last phaser revealing himself to be Sirian, Marlon exclaiming "a Sirian? but I thought they were extinct!" the young Sirian tells our heroes "my parents were the last two Sirians, and then they had me. name's Lupus Cruger, but you can call me Wolfie for short" the three gasp in shock of hearing the surname Cruger, Leon asking him "Cruger? as in, Anubis Doggie Cruger of Space Patrol Delta?" Wolfie tells the three "that would be my dad, as much as I'd hate to admit it. being the son of a legendary galactic hero wasn't easy for me, expectations were placed on me by SPD galactic command to follow in my father's footsteps, and when I couldn't live up to his legacy I ended up washing out. I came to this planet in search of one of the Nova crystals so that I can forge my own path, and fight the Monstar syndicate my own way" Leon, Cami, and Marlon hold up their Nova crystals with Leon saying "funny coincidence, we have our Nova Crystals. I'm Leon Holt, son of famed astronaut Alan Holt. these are my teammates Cami and Marlon. we're the Power Rangers Supernova!" Wolfie then exclaims "you guys are Power Rangers? I find that hard to believe, you guys seemed to barely get along back there. If I hadn't shown up you guys would be dead meat right about now" Cami then makes the snarky comment "not my fault our teacher picked the wrong guy to be team leader" Leon exclaiming "Not funny Cami!" Marlon telling Wolfie "those two seem to always be at each other's throats, if I didn't know any better I'd say they're like an old married couple"  Wolfie tells the others "you two clearly need to put more trust in your leader, that's what my father taught me" only for a burning tree to fall down and nearly crush our heroes forcing them to jump out of the way. the four then see Zodiax, Hegemon, and Tarus as they march through the burning forest flanked by Phasers and Copyguards forcing them to hide, Leon exclaiming "who's the bull with the sick robo-arms?" Wolfie telling him "he's with the monstar syndicate, probably one of their new recruits" while Marlon says "I say we should dip right about now" only for Cami to grab Marlon's arm telling him to hold on. the four witness Tarus turns his head noticing a Mirinoian child get viciously attacked by phasers causing her to fall and drop her doll. Tarus then asks Zodiax "lord Zodiax, these people haven't done anything to oppose us, please stop! all this carnage is unnecessary!" only for Hegemon to smack Tarus upside the head with his spear chastising the cyborg minotaur by telling him "don't you dare talk to the all-powerful leader of the Monstar syndicate that way again!" Zodiax telling his lieutenant "that's enough Hegemon, our enemies are the Power Rangers not each other" while our heroes watch in horror only for them to get found out by Zodiax who pulls out his sword, exclaiming "I smell three meddling kids, and looks like they have a dog too" making Wolfie growl. Leon then tells his teammates "come on guys, it's morphin' time! I always wanted to say that" the trio then shout "Nova Crystal, activate!" as they plug their Nova Crystals into their Nova Blast morphers before shouting their morph call "Supernova, Blast off!" (cue morphing sequence) the trio morphing in front of Wolfie much to his amazement, Wolfie saying "so you guys really are Power Rangers after all!" Leon whipping out the Nova sword while saying "you betcha, leave these guys to us. you go after the minotaur guy" Wolfie turns his head to a fleeing Tarus and says "gladly" before chasing after him. Zodiax tells Hegemon and the troops to go after the wolf while he takes on these brightly colored nuisances himself, Hegemon telling him "whatever you say, boss" before he along with the phasers and Copyguards teleport. Zodiax then mops the floor with the Supernova rangers in an original footage fight, delivering an energy slash that knocks over Cami and Marlon but Leon blocks with his sword. Zodiax then tells Leon "you're stronger than I thought, red ranger! but not strong enough!" as he then clashes swords with Leon who shouts "if you hurt my friends, I will make you pay!" while Cami and Marlon watch before we cut to Wolfie catching up to Tarus at the burned-down Mirinoian village, Wolfie saying "It's over, monstar scum!" only for him to be shocked to see Tarus using his Minotauri strength to lift up some rubble to free a family that was trapped under thanking Tarus for saving them. Wolfie looks at Tarus and says "you're not like the others, are you?" Tarus snorts at Wolfie and says "what do you know about me?" Wolfie tells him "Leon, Cami, Marlon and I saw you object to Zodiax's orders to burn down this village" Tarus looks at his cybernetic arms and tells Wolfie "I was a gladiator, forced to fight in the pits for the entertainment of the Monstar syndicate for years. I even voluntarily let them alter me, turn me into a cyborg to make me a better fighter. but then one day Zodiax offered me to fight for him on the field as a true warrior . at the time I considered it an honor, until I got a taste of what it truly means to be a member of the Monstar syndicate, and now I want out" as he and wolfie look at the village, Wolfie telling Tarus "you don't have to fight for them anymore, you can join me and my new friends the power rangers" Tarus then exclaims "really?" however the villagers cower in fear as Hegemon and the footsoldiers teleport onto the scene, Hegemon exclaiming "Tarus, prove your loyalty to the Monstar syndicate and eliminate the Sirian rebel!" Tarus steps in to protect Wolfie, telling Hegemon "I don't work for you anymore, tell Zodiax I quit!" Hegemon shouts "Traitor!" before ordering the phasers and Copyguards to execute them both, however suddenly two glowing Nova Crystals emerge from the ground: a blue one and a black one, the blue one flying into Wolfie's hand and the black one flying into Tarus's hand. suddenly the Blue and Black morphin' masters appear before the two, Master Blue informing the two that their selflessness and bravery has deemed them worthy of being chosen by the Nova Crystals. Hegemon exclaiming "gah, not you guys again!" Masters Blue and Black fire bolts of lightning from their staffs causing Nova Blast morphers to materialize on their wrists. Master Black tells the two that they are now members of the Power Rangers Supernova before disappearing. Wolfie and Tarus both shout "Nova Crystal, Activate!" as they plug their Nova Crystals into their morphers before shouting "Supernova, blast off!" (cue morphing sequence) the two amazed at how they're Power Rangers now, Hegemon shouting "more power rangers? not on my watch. Destroy them!" prompting the Phasers and Copyguards to charge at Wolfie and Tarus prompting Tarus to put his Nova weapon together: the Nova Axe, Tarus telling Wolfie he takes the left while he takes the right, Wolfie saying "that's fine by me" (cue Kyuranger episode 1 fight) the two destroying all the remaining Phasers and Copyguards in one fell swoop much to the anger of Hegemon before we cut back to Leon's fight with Zodiax where Leon is getting beaten to a pulp by the Monstar syndicate leader. Marlon looks at Cami to tells her "maybe what Wolfie said was right, we should put more faith in Leon as our leader" Cami then said "I guess Draco wasn't such a crazy kook after all" the two then pull out their Nova weapons to attack from both sides to help Leon, Marlon attacking from the left with his Nova Dagger while Cami attacks from the right with her Nova Lasher, pushing back Zodiax allowing Leon to charge up his Nova Sword for a star strike that hits Zodiax cracking the left side of his helmet while the three rangers high-five, Leon exclaiming "now that's called teamwork!" Zodiax then gets back up, exclaiming "this isn't over yet rangers" before retreating into the forest where he is contacted by Hegemon over intercom informing his master that there are five rangers now. Zodiax tells him "I don't care, time to go big and destroy their base!" prompting Hegemon and himself to teleport into the cockpit of the Mega Mondrill before we cut to Gamma Base where Syrin is on the bridge with Draco fiddling with the computer console until she detects an incoming enemy ship, informing Draco that it's a big one. Draco then alerts all personnel in Gamma Base to be on high alert and to brace for impact before sitting in his chair and turning it towards the window of the bridge where he sees the Mega Mondrill exit out of hyperspace with Zodiax sitting in the pilot's seat with Hegemon at his side Zodiax ordering the Phasers (who are manning the cockpit's console) to deploy the Monfighters. a swarm of Monfighters are deployed from the Mega Mondrill that open fire on Gamma Base, the base's energy shields protecting it from most of the damage, Siryn informing Draco that the shields can't take much longer. Draco then asks Siryn if any of the Starzords are able to be sent over to the rangers location, Siryn salutes Commander Draco telling him "besides the Lion, the Chameleon and Swordfish starzords are also ready for launch. Wolf and Bull are on standby until blue and black rangers are recruited sir" before we cut back to Mirinoi where Wolfie and Tarus regroup with Leon, Cami, and Marlon where Leon exclaims "Wolfie is that you? you're a ranger now?" Wolfie then says "Indeed I am, just like my old man" before Tarus introduces himself to the Earth trio telling them "And I'm Tarus, former member of the bad guys" Cami then asks "the same bad guys who ravaged this very planet?" Leon breaks the tension between the two, telling her "he's clearly one of us now" Leon, Cami, and Marlon are then contacted by Commander Draco over their morphers who informs them that Gamma Base is under attack from the Monstar Syndicate, informing them that the lion, chameleon, and swordfish starzords are being sent to their location now and for the three to hurry and defend the base. Cami and Marlon both look at each other and exclaim "we both get our own zords? yay!" and high five each other before we see the Lion, Swordfish, and Chameleon starzords fly in from hyperspace prompting the three to hop in their respective cockpits with Leon saying "oh Lion, how I've missed you", Cami saying "huh, the cockpit of the Chameleon is far less roomier than the lion", and Marlon saying "this swordfish seems pretty tight, I wonder if I can take any of my dates for a romantic ride through space in this baby" while Wolfie and Tarus watch the zords leave Mirinoi's atmosphere. Wolfie exclaims "when do we get our own zords?" Tarus tells him "easy, we just joined the team" we then cut to the Lion, Chameleon, and Swordfish starzords arriving just in time to defend Gamma Base, blasting through waves of Monfighters while Draco and Siryn watch the space battle from the window of the bridge (cue Kyuranger episode 1 zord fight) Leon telling his teammates over intercom "brace yourselves!" firing an energy blast from the Lion starzord that destroys several Monfighters but also causes the Chameleon and Swordfish starzords to spin out of control, Cami screaming "watch where you're firing that thing Leon!" Leon then switches gears flying over to dock the Chameleon and Swordfish into the Lion's arm sockets forming the top half of a megazord, Leon exclaiming "aw yeah, how do you like them apples?" much to the confusion of both Cami and Marlon who have no idea what the heck is going on, Leon exclaiming "now let's take on the big boss!" the incomplete Megazord flying in to attack the Mega Mondrill head-on while Draco and Siryn are still watching the space battle from the bridge, Siryn informing Draco that they just got a call from intercom. we then see Wolfie and Tarus appear on the screen with Draco exclaiming "more rangers? who are you?" Wolfie tells him "no time, got any zords for us? the team needs our help" Draco tells them "I believe there are two more zords in the hangar. they will be sent to you as soon as possible" before we cut back to the incomplete megazord attacking the Mega Mondrill causing Zodiax to fall out of his seat only to be caught by Hegemon, Zodiax exclaiming "those rangers are gonna pay! Copyguard, deal with them!" prompting a Copyguard to step onto the elevator while Phasers press buttons taking it up to the top of the Mega Mondrill so it can grow giant. the incomplete Megazord fights the Copyguard one-on-one until the enlarged footsoldier sends the Megazord flying into the moon, Leon exclaiming "we're gonna crash!" until the Wolf and Bull starzords burst out of the ice to combine with the rest of the Megazord forming the legs to complete the full combo: the Supernova Megazord, all five exclaiming "Supernova Megazord, ready!" Leon is then contacted by Wolfie who tells Leon "turns out the commander had zords ready for us as well. now let's teach this big bully a lesson!" Leon then says "took the words right out of my mouth, Wolfie" the now-completed Supernova Megazord fights the giant Copyguard one-on-one, using the bull zord's treads to tackle the Copyguard, chameleon zord's tongue lash to disarm it, the swordfish zord's nose blade to repeatedly slash at it, the wolf zord to kick it, and finally finish it off with a Supernova Megazord Star Strike. with Gamma Base saved, we then cut to the five individual starzords docking back into the base's zord hangar. the five rangers exit their respective zords to take their helmets off before entering the bridge while the five talk to each other like chums over their most recent victory, Siryn exclaiming "I don't believe it! they've finally learned together as a team, and found two new rangers no less" while Draco tells her "I never doubted they could do it" Draco then shakes hands with Wolfie, telling him "Wolfie Cruger, SPD washout and son of Doggie and Isinia Cruger. your father would be proud" Wolfie tells Draco "you have no idea how much that means to me" before Draco turns his attention Tarus to shake hands with him, telling the cyborg Minotauri "Tarus, former gladiator of the Monstar Syndicate turned turncoat" Tarus asks him "you know me?" Draco tells the two new recruits "I did background checks on both of you, my name is Commander Draco of Valkor, the headmaster of this prestigious interstellar academy. welcome to SPG, and the Power Rangers Supernova" we then cut back to Zodiax's fortress on the Cimmerian planet where Zodiax sits on his throne having a headache, Zodiax saying that he can't deal with any more rangers. Hegemon tells Zodiax to look on the bright side, informing him that the rangers still have yet to find the remaining 7 Nova Crystals, and they have yet to liberate any of the Monstar Syndicate's already-occupied planets so it's not a total loss. Zodiax's eyes glow yellow in a fit of rage, telling him that this rebellion will be crushed, no matter how many rangers he has to destroy ending our episode on a forboding note.

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