Episode 1: Powers from the stars

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Our episode opens up establishing that we're in the year 2040 while we hear a narration from Draco explaining that the monsters of the universe have organized forming the Monstar syndicate, a galaxy-conquering empire led by the mad tyrant Zodiax as we see the aforementioned purple armor-clad, skull-faced villain leading armies of Phasers, Copyguards, and recycled Kyuranger monsters across a war-torn planet where alien citizens flee as flags are erected bearing the Monstar syndicate emblem as the Mondrill planted into the planet's surface deploys Monfighters that rain down fire on the cities below. we then cut to the orbital space station hovering high above the Earth known as Gamma Base, an academy meant to train the next generation of galactic defenders where we meet two young cadets who are part of the space academy's zord repair crew: Marlon, the ladies-man and professional writer/poet, and Cami, the tough-as-nails tomboy. here we get a taste of each other's personalities while they're busy washing the Lion starzord: Marlon tries flirting with Cami with a short poem he was writing in his notebook, telling her "Oh my darling Cami, how your face shines brighter than any galaxy..." only for Cami to put Marlon in a headlock, telling him "nice pick-up line Marlon, you little Romeo. but I have to warn you that I have a blackbelt in Karate? my dad owns a dojo back in Angel Grove" only for their little tussle to be interrupted by Commander Draco, Draco saying "enough you two!" prompting the two cadets to stop what their doing to stand and salute, the two exclaiming "yes sir!" Draco tells him "there will be no more roughhousing between you two. we have a new cadet, whom I have assigned to be part of the Zord repair crew alongside you so I expect both of you to be on your best behavior" Marlon in a flirtatious manner says "I hope this new recruit is a cute girl, so that I can flex my rizz on her. no woman can resist this handsome face" Cami gives Marlon the bombastic side-eye, telling him "In your dreams" the new cadet enters the room, a young man wearing the same repair crew jumpsuit that Cami and Marlon are wearing, the young man looking up at the gargantuan red lion zord exclaiming "wow, so cool! when do I get to fly one of those?". Draco introduces him to the other two students, telling them "Cami, Marlon, this is Leon Holt. Leon, these are your new crewmates Cami Gomez and Marlon Fisher" Leon waves, telling them "Hi! I'm from Earth" Marlon shakes his hand, telling him "funny coincidence, so are we" Cami crosses her arms and asks Leon "Commander Draco said your last name is Holt, correct? are you by any means related to Alan Holt, the famous NASADA astronaut who disappeared 10 years ago?" Leon then tells her "yep, he was my dad" as he looks out the window into space longingly, saying "people say he died on that space mission, but I don't believe them. I believe that he's still out there in the cosmos somewhere. my dream is to become an astronaut just like my dad, so that I can search for him" Cami then snickers and says "dream on dreamer boy, 'cause you're stuck on wash duty with us" tossing a sponge and a bucket to Leon while Marlon tells him "don't let her get under your skin, she's always like this. her attitude is why she flunked out of the SPG academy's ranger training program and got demoted to Zord repair crew" Leon then says "what about you?" Marlon says "I got stuck here because Draco got sick of me flirting with every female cadet in SPG, especially that Syrin. boy is she a cutie!" as the three start scrubbing the Lion zord. Draco watches the three and says "aw, they're bonding already. alright you three, have fun!" before exiting the Zord hangar taking the elevator back up. Leon then looks at Cami and Marlon and tells the two "say, now that he's gone whadda ya say we sneak inside the lion and go for a little space joyride, just the three of us?" Marlon then tells Leon "I dunno, sounds kinda dangerous" Cami then says "and stupid, that could get us all in trouble with the big purple dragon!" Leon then wraps his arms around the two and says "come on you two it'll be fun, besides this might be my chance at getting to see space for the first time" Marlon sighs, telling Cami "I dunno about you Cam, but I'd hate to crush the new kid's dream" Cami rolls her eyes and says "fine, what's the worst that could happen?" as the trio hop in the Lion starzord's cockpit, Leon grabbing the control stick causing it to blast off into outer space. we then cut to Draco in his personal quarters sipping from his "world's best dragon daddy" mug only for him to spot the Lion zord flying off from the window causing him to spit out his drink. Siryn enters the room asking Draco if he's okay, and Draco tells her "nothing Siryn, just the repair crew stowing away in the lion zord and flying directly into Monstar-occupied territory!" we then cut to Cami freaking out inside the Lion zord's cockpit, shouting "I can't believe you guys talked me into this!" with Leon exclaiming "this is fun!" as he makes the Lion zord spin around in space making Marlon feel nauseous. however they suddenly fly into a Mega Mondrill, Leon pushing the brakes exclaiming "what is THAT thing?" Marlon exclaiming "oh crud, we've gotten the attention of the Monstar syndicate!" Leon asks "who?" and Cami tells him "the bad guys" as a fleet of Monfighters are deployed from the Mega Mondrill that start shooting at the Lion zord which leon tries to maneuver the Lion zord around only for it to get shot down causing it to spin out of control and crash into a nearby planet below, which we learn is the planet Zordnia. Leon, Cami, and Marlon exit the Lion zord, with Cami slapping Leon telling him "now look what you did, thanks to your oh-so-brilliant plan of sneaking off with a zord we're now stranded in some planet in the middle of nowhere! nice going new kid" Leon then says "not my fault we got shot at" Marlon grabs Cami and tells her to calm down, assuring her that they will figure something out, and hopefully not get killed by the Monstar syndicate. Leon then tells the other two "hey guys, come check this out!" and the trio come across what appear to be the ruins of an ancient temple. the three enter the temple and come across a large room with 12 symbols resembling a lion, a scorpion, a wolf, a scale, a bull, a cobra, a chameleon, a swordfish, a dragon, a bear, and a phoenix engraved into the walls. Marlon asks "what are these symbols?" Cami then says "they look like... animals?" Leon then says "stranded on an alien planet AND finding the ruins of an ancient civilization, if only dad could see me now" the trio then come across an altar with the 11 of the 12 Nova crystals on it, Leon saying "what are these things?" while Marlon says "they kinda look like Christmas globes" Cami looks at the Phoenix symbol and says "that's odd, one's missing" Cami then notices Leon then reach for the red Nova crystal and says "hey, what do you think you're doing? that thing could be booby-trapped!" as the trio each grab a Nova Crystal: Leon grabs the red one, Cami grabs the green one, and Marlon grabs the yellow one. the trio examine their respective Nova Crystals and notice them start to glow in their hands before turning to see the other 8 start to glow as well before they start flying out of the temple, the three following the flying Nova Crystals out of the temple just in time to see the 8 crystal balls scatter to the stars, we then cut to Zodiax's fortress on the Cimmerian planet (which is surrounded by a blockade of Mondrills hovering around the fortress's central tower) where we see Zodiax sitting on his bony throne as eyes glow a bright yellow, sensing that the Nova crystals have been discovered and are seeking new Champions. Zodiax exits his throne room where he walks past his first lieutenant Hegemon, telling him to prepare the Mega Mondrill for him. Hegemon salutes, saying "right away sire, I will be sure to have a platoon of Phasers and a couple Copyguards accompany you as well" Zodiax then says "good" before we cut back to our trio on the planet Zordnia with Marlon exclaiming "what the heck just happened? we pulled three magic 8-balls out of a rock and suddenly the rest fly off into space" Leon looks at his Nova Crystal and says "I think these things might be mystical or something" Cami then says "you boys can stay here and play with your balls all you want but I'm leaving this rock" as she walks towards the crashed Lion zord only for the Mega Mondrill to enter Zordnia's atmosphere, Cami exclaiming "well isn't that just great!" Marlon exclaiming "we're doomed!" Leon tells Marlon "not quite, we can still get to the Lion, fix it up, and escape" only for Zodiax, Hegemon, and a platoon of Phasers and Copyguards to teleport onto the scene to block the trio's path, Leon cockily saying "and who may you creeps be?" while Cami and Marlon exchange worried looks. Zodiax then introduces himself, exclaiming "I am Zodiax, leader of the Monstar syndicate! you three brats have something of mine, hand over those Nova Crystals, or perish!" Leon then screams "Never!" followed by Hegemon ordering the Copyguards to fire, the Copyguards firing a missile blast from their bazooka/club weapons while our three reluctant heroes duck for cover only for the Red, Green, and Yellow Morphin' Masters to appear out of nowhere to protect our heroes from the blast with a force field, Zodiax exclaiming "Morphin' Masters, what are you doing here?" the red Morphin' Master tells Leon, Cami, and Marlon to hold still as Masters Red, Green, and Yellow point their staffs at Leon, Cami, and Marlon firing three bolts of lightning at the trio, causing morphers to materialize on their wrists. Leon then asks "what are these?" and Master Green tells the trio "those are your Nova Blast Morphers, the three of you have been chosen to become the Power Rangers Supernova" Marlon then says "Supernova? sounds pretty tight to me" followed by Cami saying "I've always wanted to be a power ranger since I was a little girl" Master Yellow tells the trio "place your Nova Crystals into your morphers, pull the trigger and shout Supernova, blast off!" followed by the Morphin' Masters disappearing. Zodiax then says "no Morphin' Masters to protect you now, Attack!" prompting the Phasers and Copyguards to charge at our heroes. Leon then says "you heard what the weird floaty guys said" prompting the trio to plug their Nova Crystals into their morphers shouting "Nova Crystal, activate!" before pulling the trigger and shouting "Supernova, blast off!" *cue morphing sequence* Marlon morphing into the yellow ranger, Cami morphing into the green ranger, and Leon morphing into the red ranger before charging into battle. we then get an original footage fight of the three rangers fighting the phasers hand-to-hand, Cami accidentally pulling the trigger on her morpher shooting down a Phaser, Cami exclaiming "a morpher that's also a blaster, totally sweet!" Marlon saying "I'll say!" as he blasts a couple phasers with his own morpher. meanwhile Leon shoots his way through multiple phasers with his morpher as he makes his way towards Zodiax and Hegemon only for two Copyguards plus more phasers to block his path. Leon then puts together his Nova weapon: the Nova sword (cue Kyuranger episode 1 fight footage) performing an energy slash attack that mows down several Phasers, Cami saying "so cool! do we have our own weapons?" Marlon saying "I think we do" the two putting their own weapons together: Cami with the Nova Lasher, and Marlon with the Nova Dagger allowing the two to help Leon fight off the Phasers. the two then plug their Nova crystals into their Nova weapons to perform their own special attacks, known as a "Star Strike" taking out the remaining Phasers. meanwhile Leon dukes it out with the two Copyguards only for the two to get hit by a wave that takes them out to sea, Leon exclaiming "looks like you two are all washed up!" before plugging his Nova Crystal into his sword charging it up for a Star Strike that finishes the two Copyguards, Hegemon watching saying "this looks bad, my liege" while Zodiax clenches his fist. the three rangers surround Zodiax and Hegemon, with Zodiax saying "we'll finish this later, rangers!" the two beaming back up into the Mega Mondrill before leaving the planet's atmosphere, Leon saying "we'll be waiting". the trio then take their helmets off as they walk towards the crashed Lion zord, only for the red, green, and yellow Morphin' Masters to appear before our heroes yet again using their powers to restore the damaged Lion zord. Master Red tells our heroes that the Nova Crystals have been scattered to other planets in search of worthy champions, and that as the Power Rangers Supernova they must find these champions in order to bolster their ranks, wishing the rangers good luck before disappearing yet again. we then cut back to Gamma base where Commander Draco witnesses the Lion zord dock back into the zord bay for the helmetless Leon, Cami, and Marlon to exit the vessel much to the shock of Draco who exclaims "you three... are power rangers?" Leon says "Indeed we are, thanks to us being chosen by the Nova Crystals" Cami then says "and the Morphin' Masters" Draco exclaiming "The Morphin' Masters? you met the Morphin' Masters? I thought they were just a legend!" Marlon then says "sorry for sneaking out like that teach, we're not in trouble are we?" Draco then says "this is a strange turn of events, but it seems fate has now chosen the three of you to liberate the galaxy from the evils of the Monstar syndicate as Power Rangers. oh and Leon, since you're wearing red... you're the leader now" Cami and Marlon both exclaim "WHAT!?" while Leon exclaims "me?" ending our episode on a comedic note.

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