#3 - God Meets Human

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"Hello, dear."

The well-known deep, cold voice brought me back to life. Suddenly I could feel my body again, and sat up with ease. I wasn't trapped in the darkness anymore, I was at home, in my room. But I wasn't alone.

A tall, slender woman was sitting on my bed with her legs crossed in an elegant manner. Her back was straight and her posture proud. She had a pale face, which was in strong contrast with her black hair, clothes and eyeshadow. She looked me up and down, I could sense the cold gaze of her icy blue eyes on my skin. I think she was sizing me up.

I can't blame her, I was staring as well. She looked like she stepped straight out of the Thor: Ragnarok movie, except that maybe she was even taller than she looked on screen.

"You should kneel or at least greet me with the respect I deserve." she broke the silence. "You made a mistake. Apologise."

"I- I'm sorry..." I stuttered.

My brain was lagging like Internet Explorer on a one-bar wi-fi. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, and not just because she's a fictional character and a goddess, but also because she's even hotter in person...

"Apology accepted. Now kneel." she gestured towards the floor. "Are you deaf?" she growled when I didn't move an inch.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm just still trying to process-..." I was cut off by a big slap from her.

"Wake up."

"Owww... I'm awake!" I covered my cheek with my hand. She was strong and I could already feel that my skin was turning red in the shape of her palm.

"Well, yes, now you are." she waved dismissively. "Will you kneel or do you want another one?"

I climbed out of bed and without hesitation I got down on one knee. Now both sides of my face were red, and not just because of the slap. The proud part of me felt ashamed, but the simp in me was definitely enjoying this.

"Okay, you can get up now. I'll be generous, you can sit next to me on the bed."

She forgot the teeny-tiny detail that it was my bed, but I didn't bother reminding her. I sat next to her, still at a loss of words, staring in silence. My brain was screaming already, and it wasn't just lagging anymore, it completely shut down.

"I assume you might have a few questions, so stop wasting our time and ask." she said.

"Why did you say yes to me?"

"You're mortal. Your lifespan is nothing to me. You're temporary fun. I like you, so I decided to keep you." her tone was matter-of-fact. At least she didn't sugarcoat anything.

"I'm not even out of high school."

"So? To a goddess, all Midgardians are younglings. I don't make a difference between 18 and 40 year olds. You're an adult by law, correct?"

I nodded slowly.

"Good, then there is nothing to whine about."

"So... I'm not the first, then?" I asked curiously.

Hela threw hear head back in laughter as if I've said something very ridiculous.

"You're not the first and not the last. You're one of many, and you're mine now. I assume you've noticed the tattoo."


"That is your mark of commitment. You're mine until you die, and you can't expect loyalty in return. If you want me to be loyal, be entertaining enough for me."

"Oh, gods... What did I get myself into?" I buried my face in my hands and mumbled into my palms.

"Any questions?"

Sacrifice - Hela OdinsonWhere stories live. Discover now