#11 - Steak Candle and Honey Thing

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Hela wasn't kidding. The next day she made some undead servants carry all of her nightgowns into my room and put them in my closet. She also put my books away from the nightstand to make room for her "calming candles" (they have the scent of ritually burned sacrifices).

At first I didn't comment on it, but when in the evening she burned one that made our room smell like steak and wine, I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

"What's this? Wasn't dinner enough?" I asked curiously.

Hela wasn't too talkative. The answer I got was:

"This is different."

Then she leaned closer to the candle and inhaled the scent deeply. I could see her nostrils widen and her pupils dilate. Kinda scary if you ask me.

I watched her from the bed, where I was sitting, unable to take my eyes off the weird phenomenon.

When she was done she finally turned her attention towards our conversation.

"You know how gods love burnt sacrifices? Well, you pathetic mortals don't really burn anything for us nowadays, so we have to resort to other alternatives." she explained with a disapproving frown on her face.

Before I could have thought about it, I blurted out:

"I could burn you something."

As stupid as it was, Hela liked the idea. Her scowl turned into a satisfied smirk.

"I knew you would be of use one day." she walked over to me just to pat my head condescendingly. "I want the same thing you burned for me when you proposed."

"You mean the ketchup flavoured chips?" I raised my eyebrows. "You sure you don't want something more... royal? I could burn any luxurious food that can be found here on Asgard."

"No, I want that thing. The scent and the smoke were elite." she insisted.

"You can only buy that thing on Earth, so you would have to send me or Pat back." I responded.

"Sure, no problem. Your daughter is going tomorrow afternoon." Hela shrugged.

"We literally went missing, we can't just go back to the supermarket!" I protested.

"Freyja is a master of disguises, she will help. Especially if you offer to burn her a sacrifice as well." Hela sat next to me on the bed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.


"No buts!" she shushed me and pulled me closer. "My decision is final. Patricia is going."

I sighed and decided to stop worrying about what could go wrong tomorrow. It's not tomorrow yet, is it? It's a beautiful evening, my room smells like burnt steak, and my amazing fiancée is next to me. There are no problems here and now, it's just us.

Hela placed her long fingers under my chin and turned my head towards her. I looked up at her in awe. Her beauty didn't fail to amaze me, and it probably never will. I was just as starstruck as I was when I first laid my eyes upon this otherworldly creature.

My eyes were stuck to hers, I admired them for what felt like hours but at the same time it wasn't enough. Still, I had to move on, my lingering gaze wanted to see more. My stare wandered down to her lips. They were the perfect shape, and just as shiny as caramelised fruit -- they looked delicious and I wanted a taste.

Hela leaned down and those soft, shiny lips made contact with mine. They did taste sweet, nothing like those fruit desserts, but much better. My whole body shivered in wonder when I first felt her tongue on my lips, forcefully parting them to enter. She needn't be so forceful, I didn't resist in the slightest.

Sacrifice - Hela OdinsonWhere stories live. Discover now