Chapter 6

22 2 7

"YOU DO???" you exclaim, both in bold and in italics.

Nefario sheds a tear and says, dramatically theatrically:

"Untimely-Demise Starslayer."

"w..what?" you ask, inquiringly. you have to resist the urge to shed yet another tear.

"Untimely-Demise Mary Twilight Dementia Sue Ebony Starslayer," he says again. "We call her Demi for short sometimes."

"who's..." you begin asking, "who's Untimely-Demise Mary Twilight Dementia Sue Ebony Starslayer ?"

"a very powerful being..." he answers. "...i just know she's the one who did this."

"how do you know that?" you inquire. you REALLY want to shed a tear. but you really don't want to get blood everywhere. that would not be ideal.

"the thirty seven (37) stab wounds....." says Nefario "they're HORN stab wounds. someone stabbed him with their HORN. and it just so happens that Untimely-Demise Mary Twilight Dementia Sue Ebony Starslayer.................................. 

.................................................................. HALF ALICORN!!!!!!....."

"but Nefario," you say defensively, "how do you know SHE did it with HER horn? how can you be so sure it's not just.... someone who has horns. anyone, really!!!!!!!!!!"

"do you know a lot of people with horns, y/n???" Nefario asks, wiping his tears

"my friend..... my ONLY friend is a troll.... trolls have horns..... now i know my friend's not the one who did it. because she would never do something as EVIL as KILLING DEAR INNOCENT GRU!!!!!!.......... but also because she's in another universe right now..... but anyways what i mean is plenty of people have horns, actually!!!!!!!!!!! so how can you be so sure Untimely-Demise Mary Twilight Dementia Sue Ebony Starslayer is the one who did it??????????,?"

"you mentionned trolls." Nefario says. "well it just so happens that Untimely-Demise Mary Twilight Dementia Sue Ebony Starslayer is also..............................................................








................................................................................HALF TROLL...!!!!!!!!"

":O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" you exclaim in shock. now that Untimely-Demise Mary Twilight Dementia Sue Ebony Starslayer is getting a little too suspicious for your own personal liking........ you also wonder....

"but Nefario, how do you know this Untimely-Demise Mary Twilight Dementia Sue Ebony Starslayer so well???"

"it's a long story," says Nefario. "a story for another day. it's getting late Y/N. you can sleep with the minions if you want. Kevin will escort you to... wherever the minions sleep. we will figure out the whole ordeal with Gru's death tomorrow. goodnight Y/N."

you burst into tears again. blood, that is, because your body is still out of tears. today is the day you've cried the most in your entire existence. 

Kevin takes you by the hand

"follow me," he says.

you wipe your tears and comply.

afterall, crying, what's the point?

Existence is meaningless anyway.

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