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The trip to the Den had been quick. It would have been quicker, but the Princess dili to dn't want to hurt Novak any more than the beast already had.

Upon reaching the large house the servants stared at them in shock.

Princess: Vera! Vera I need your help!

A few moments later an older female wolf came walking out of the house. Her fur was as white as snow.

Vera: Anna? What is going on?

Anna: Thank the gods. We found a strange in the Dark Forest. He's badly injured but I can't help him by myself.

Grasping the situation Vera nods. She then leads them into the house. Inside even more servants stare, confused and intrigued.

They rush down a hallway, two soldiers carefully carrying the travois with Novak on it. Juno follows behind them.

Vera opens a door and ushers them inside. In the centre of the room is a marble table of some kind. On the walls are many strange symbols and in each corner is what appears to be a totem of some kind.

Vera: Place him down on the altar. Then take the travois and leave us.

The soldiers obey, but Juno stays. Partially out of curiosity but mostly out of worry. Once they are alone the two females get to work. But they immediately hit a roadblock.

Anna: I've never seen armour like this. How do we remove it?

Juno, seeing their pro. Bblem steps forward.

Juno: There should be a button on the back of the helmet. Bottom left, just behind the ear.

Nodding at her, Anna raises his head slightly to feel for it. Seemingly finding what she's looking for she presses it. With a *Pop* the helmet pops open allowing Anna to slip it off of him.

Her eyes go wide at the sight before her. Vera shoots her a surprised look, but doesn't say anything.

Not having the time to discuss their patient they keep working. Juno helps them with removing Novak's gear, until he's only wearing his grey midway briefs.

Once the two get a good look at his wounds they nod to each other. Anna places her hands over Novak's wounded arm while Vera does the same where the black monster had bitten him. They then close their eyes and begin to chant in a language that Juno had never heard before. And she knew every language on the planet! At least, she did.

As the two chanted a golden light appeared in the palm of their hands, filling the room with a gentle warmth. But Juno, was strangely unable to feel this warmth despite having built in thermometers.

Juno watched in awe as Novak's wounds began to heal. But he groaned and clenched his teeth, as if in pain.

Vera: *groan* He's resisting it.

Anna: *huff* Yeah, I can feel it.

The two seemingly battle against something as they try to heal him. The battle goes on for a few hours before the two stop.

Vera: We did what we could. The rest is up to him.

Anna nods before shooting Juno a smile.

Anna: Your master will be fine.

Juno: I hope so.

Vera: While we are on the topic. Your master, what exactly is he?

The question catches Juno a bit off guard. While they were clearly not human, she did not believe all of humanity was gone. But now...

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