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Several Thousand Years Ago

The boy was terrified. A bunch of men in uniforms had shown up and taken him. They then threw him in a truck with a bunch of other kids and brought him to a camp.

Currently the boy was standing in a row with a bunch of other boys and girls. He wasn't sure how many kids there where, but he knew it was lot.

Everything was a blur. From the instructors shouting threats at them to one of the boys getting beat up because he peed his pants.

As punishment everyone was forced to run laps around the camp. For every kid that barfed, peed himself, cried or collapsed they'd run another lap.

By the time the sun starting setting only half a dozen children were still on their feet.

That night those six where rewarded with pudding after dinner. And the next day everyone was given a puppy.

The boy named his, Hunter.

Present Day

Vera tossed and turned as she struggled to sleep. Her dreams were filled with the dead. Her mate as well as Novak.

Finally she decided to simply give up and get out of bed. She made her way to the kitchen as she was craving some milk. When she got there she found Nadia already nursing a glass.

Vera: Daughter.

Nadia looks up, startled.

Nadia: Evening mother. Did you need something?

Vera: Just a glass of milk.

After pouring herself a glass the two stand in the darkness, neither saying a word.

Finally tired of the silence, Nadia speaks.

Nadia: How are you holding up?

Vera: I am doing my best to remain strong. But Novak meant a lot to us. Even though more than a month has passed since...

Nadia: I understand. Gwen and Anna are hurting the most I think. They were in love with him after all.

Vera: As are you.

Nadia gives her a confused look but Vera smiles weakly.

Vera: I know my children better than they think. Regardless, I have faith that he will be returned to us.

Nadia: You have a lot of faith in the Oracles.

Vera: They have never been wrong.


Vera: But I will admit that it has not been easy. He was a son to me and no mother wishes to lose a child.

Nadia: If that is the case, how are you able to stay strong?

Vera: Because I have to. Just as you've remained composed for the sake of your sisters.

Nadia: I feel as if I am going to fall apart any day. I want to hide in my room and weep for hours. However I always tell myself to stay strong, as the eldest.

Vera, hearing this reaches out and pulls her daughter in for a hug.

Vera: There is nobody here to stay strong for. Everyone is asleep.

As Nadia feels the warm comfort of her mother she lets go. Tears stream from her eyes as she sobs into her mother's fur.

Several Thousand Years Ago

The boy look at his instructors, confused.

Instructor: Did you not hear me cadets? I said, kill it!!

Cadet 1: But sir, Maya did nothing wrong.

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