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Novak jumped behind cover as the explosion kicked up rocks and dirt behind him. He knew he had made a mistake, but he did not regret it. He leaps from behind his cover and spins on his heel before lunging at her! 


Novak could scarcely believe it. Standing in front of him was Cass, the last person he had expected to see that night.

Novak: Let me make sure I understand, you know of a secret passage into the building that nobody else knows about? How is that?

Cass: nervous My father showed me. He did not show anyone else. 

Novak sat back in his chair, unsure what to make of this information. On one hand it was basically a deus ex machina while on the other it could also get him killed if he wasn't careful. But he knew he didn't have the luxury of time and thus needed to act. Fast. 

Novak: Okay. Tell the guard outside to call for a strategy meeting. 


And that was how Novak found himself in his current predicament. He had the main forces assault from the front while he, Cass and Lisa went to the secret entrance. Turns out it was a small tunnel hidden behind a false painting in the kitchen. Convenient. 

The group had managed to get inside easily enough. However, once they got inside things went south. Standing in the kitchen sipping a glass of milk was lady Silvers herself. She and Novak locked eyes for what felt like days before both sprung to action, Novak bringing up his pistol and Silvers firing off a spell. 

Novak had to forego shooting to dodge the spell and as he rolled out of the way he saw the blast of ice hit the passage, sealing it off! Once he stopped rolling, he pulled up his rifle and took a shot at her head, but she had erected a magical barrier, blocking the bullets. Cursing under his breath Novak had to jump out of the room to avoid the fireball she threw at him! 

He ran through the house dodging magic attacks while also firing potshots back at her. Eventually he found himself outside in the garden, the sound of fighting was clear as his forces attempted to breach the front gate. Novak saw a nearby boulder he could use for cover which he then bolted towards.

Novak jumped behind cover as the explosion kicked up rocks and dirt behind him. He knew he had made a mistake, but he did not regret it. He leaps from behind his cover and spins on his heel before lunging at her!

He emptied the last of his rifle ammunition into her barrier causing it to shatter, however she retaliated by throwing lightning bolts at him! He managed to avoid most of them by rolling to the side, but one managed to graze his shoulder burning it. 

As he rolled, he dropped his rifle and pulled out his sidearm.  But she had expected him to so she used a vine to grab the weapon from his hand and toss it over a nearby wall! 

Novak: Shit! 

With no other recourse Novak grabs his sword and unsheathes it! He then rises up and squares up with the she-wolf.

Lady Silvers: Did you really think I would simply go down so easily? 

Novak: Honestly, I hoped you would. I need a soft bed and a warm bath and right now you are standing in the way of both those things.

Lady Silvers: And what I need is you dead again. 

She erects another barrier while conjuring blades of fire, ice and lighting around her. In her one hand she conjures a blade of fire and in her other a blade of ice. Novak makes his sword catch fire. Then, the two charge at one another!

Novak dodges the fire blade she flings at him, then slices through the ice blade and smacking the lighting blade away from himself, leaving only the blades of ice and fire in her hands. Seeing this she pulls her fire blade closer to herself, building up a vortex of fire. Once she has sufficient fire, she sends it all out in an explosion of flames that Novak is barely able to avoid by jumping behind the boulder from before. 

She took a step forward but stopped when two small, green orbs rolled over to her feet. She tilts her head at the strange objects when...


The explosion throws her back into the wall! Hearing the thud of her dropping to the ground Novak leaves his cover and walks over to her. He sees her jump to her feet, causing him to ready his sword. She growls at him exposing bloody teeth. She also had dozens of cuts and bruises across her body, her one eye had a piece of shrapnel, and her clothes were torn. 

Novak: Good doggy? 

Her eyes suddenly glow blue as she rises into the air. Beneath her form two blue, magical, orbs. As he watches she drops down smashing the first orb into the ground! The shockwave flings him back into the boulder, however the second orb also hit the ground causing another shockwave! he feels something inside him start bleeding with the second shockwave but unfortunately as she lands it causes another shockwave, almost causing him to blackout. 

Novak falls to his knees and watches as she approaches. His eyes turn to the blade he had dropped, but there was no way he'd reach it before she reached him. 

Out of nowhere and arrow flies through the air, hitting her in the shoulder!

Cass: Novak!!

Novak turns to the voice and sees that Cass had fired the arrow! Next to her is Lisa. She tosses him the pistol that Lady Silvers had tossed over the wall! With a shit eating grin he catches the weapon and in one swift movement aims at Lady Silvers and pulls the trigger! Her head jerks back as the round penetrates her other eye, killing her instantly. 

His breathing heavy, Novak tries to stand. But his knees give in causing him to fall forward. Thankfully both Cass and Lisa manage to catch him. They help him walk over to Lady Silvers. Once he's standing over her, he lifts his pistol and unloads the last of his ammo into her.  

The battle rages on for a bit longer when all of a sudden, a ray of light comes down onto Novak who's standing on the Den's roof. He raises the head of Lady Silvers high enough for everyone to see. 

Seeing this, the traitor's either surrendered or fell onto their own blades. The few that continued fighting were quickly mopped up. Novak managed to stay conscious just long enough for the battle to end. But he eventually passed out and was rushed to receive medical attention. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15 ⏰

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