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3 Days Later

The sound of nature fills the air in a peaceful scene. Nothing disturbs the small critters as they go about their day.

Until a small pebble soars through the air, hitting a tree.

Silvers: Aagh. The wait is killing me.

Novak: You wanted to be here.

Silvers: Well I thought I'd get to see you in action. Learn something you know.

Novak: Well then consider this a lesson. In patience.

Novak adjusts the scope on his rifle as he notices the wind change.

While they wait he reflects on the last three days. He'd spent it between three main activities. Target practice, combat training and studying.

The target practice had initially terrified the locals. They thought their Spirits had brought wrath down upon them. It took a lot of explanation before he was able to set their minds at ease. And even then they were still weary of him whenever he carried a gun.

As for the combat training, that went smoother. He even enjoyed it. At first he was worried about fighting the freakishly tall wolves in a small ring. But Nadia help assure him that he would be able to keep up considering his fight with the mercenary. And she was right. The two of them were evenly matched. So it became a game between them to see who won more. The onlookers would even make bets.

But, the highlight of his time was the studying. While the studying itself was tedious, the fact that Anna was his tutor always made it fun.

Overall his time here had been delightful, despite several hiccups.

Lorena: *radio* The caravan will be arriving soon.

He had almost forgotten that he'd handed out earpieces. The ones who had them were him, Lorena, Mikoto, Nadia and Vera.

Lisa, Anna and Cassandra had been left at home while Gwen was part of Vera's personal guard.

Sure enough a few moments later a small caravan of wagons appears from a gap in the treeline before stopping close to Vera's group. Speaking of, Vera is sitting by a large wooden table with her guards close behind her. Behind them are the horses.

Novak notices something moving in the treeline behind them. Examining it he spots troops wearing different armour from those of Vera.

Novak: *radio* Be advised, you have enemy troops on your s-, behind you.

He sees Lorena turn her head slightly. He commends her restraint not to turn around completely. It's too soon for the enemy to see their hand.

As if on cue, the door of the largest wagon opens. Novak notices that the other wagons don't open and are instead surrounded by a few troops.

Novak: (Odd.)

He sees the person who left the wagon step towards the table.

Lorena: *radio* That is not him.

Novak, confused for a moment looks at the man. He'd never seen the target so his actions were pointless.

Feeling someone tapping his shoulder he turns to look at Silvers who is pointing towards the house. Turning to look, Novak is shocked to vultures circling above it.

Novak: (Shit.) *radio* All stations, be advised. Enemy forces are at the main house.

A few seconds of silence pass while Novak retakes his position behind his scope.

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