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Sophia's POV:

Currently, Madison and I were having Behold dig up the skull for Moira. We wanted answers from Constance about Michael to deliver back to my mother, so we had to do what she instructed us to do-to get Moira out of Constance's afterlife.

I say, "If Constance wants us to get rid of the maid..." Behold, "I know a spell that can easily bind her to the closet. She'll never have to see her again." Madison smirks, "Keep digging." He rolls his eyes as he obeys.

We sat by each other as Moira requested for us to "re-bury" her in a cemetery, in the plot of land next to her mother, "How original, to be buried in a cemetery." Behold, "Her wish was to he close to her mother."

Madison puts out her cigarette, "I want my bones to be buried at the studio. Paramount. Stage 7. I would gladly haunt the shit out of that place. It's where they made me do my first nude scene. Totally gratuitous."

Madison, "I begged for a body double, but the asshole producer wanted to get his rocks off..." Behold, "You surprised me. Under the facade of a heartless narcissist..." Madison finishes, "Is a stone cold bitch."

I rolled my eyes as they began to bicker. I closed up Moira's new burial spot, as we left the cemetery. I was hopeful that Moira would be happier now that she is now with her mother.

Daisy's POV:

I sat at a round table with Constance, Sophia, Madison and Behold that next day.

Madison, "We did what you asked. Moira's gone, so you can start at any time now." Constance smiles, "I was just savoring the stillness. Not only was that woman the worst maid in God's creation, but she would never shut up. Death only made her more verbose."

Behold seemed desperate, "Tell us about Michael" Constance and I look at each other, "Well..." She and I nod my heads together, to each other at the same time.

Constance, "He was born right here in this house, to a mother and a family." I say, "My mother." Constance, "Ultimately marked for death." I remember that day like it was yesterday. The day where my mom gave birth to the twins- where one lived, and one was a stillborn.

I say, "When my mother died pushing him out into the world, Constance and I..." Constance, "Gladly assumed the burden of raising him. I am a mother myself, four times over."

Madison asks, "Why you two?" Constance, "Because he also happened to be my grandson." I say, "His father is that handsome young man in the sweater and the mop top that you saw when you first came in, Tate."

Madison was confused. Constance, "Now, I am the first to admit that there were mistakes made raising Tate. And that's why, with Michael, he was so perfect. Wasn't he?" I agree, "Yes, he was. A little angel of light."

Constance, "I thought that would be my chance for a do-over. I was born to be a mother. I always felt that to raise a great man, that was the most admirable and selfless act a woman could aspire to."

Constance, "He was my destiny. Oh, such a beautiful child, with such a cheerful disposition. Even when he was committing unspeakable acts" Behold asks, "What do you mean unspeakable?"

I say, "It was trivial at first" Constance, "I'd find dead flies in his crib with their wings shorn off, and then as he got older, small rodents. I had seen enough Discovery Channel specials to know exactly what evolutionary tree he was shimmying up: Bundy, Dahmer- they started with small animals, too. Until they graduated to grander things."

She takes a sip of her alcoholic drink. I say, "He said they were presents because he loved us. Oh, and his love did flow. And enjoyable as it was, to have a child so committed to expressing his love for us, we did try to encourage him to find another avenue of expression."

I say, "But still nothing would get him to cease." Constance, "Each time, I would dutifully bury one of these gifts along with a little piece of my soul. I tried to find a silver lining, to make lemonade out of lemons, so every time I buried one of his presents, I planted a rose bush on top."

I say, "Springs life eternal." I walked away to get a cup of water, and then I walked back to round table. Constance, "I loved them all. It was Michael, who made me realize that I was put on this Earth to raise the monsters."

Constance, "I never thought I would tire of the smell of roses. Roses had always been my favorite flower, but soon they made me just want to retch." Then I remember, "There was that incident with the sitter."

Constance remembers, "Oh yes. I was able to convince the authorities that she had taken her own life, at least I didn't have to bury that one. Up until that point. I thought I was raising a garden variety serial killer, or possibly even a gifted one- with its attendant challenges."

I say, "But then came the day when he was late, getting up for school." Constance, " So, I went to wake him, and there was a stranger in his bed. Not a stranger- it was still my grandson, he aged a decade overnight."

I say, "That was something far outside the natural realm" Constance, "It was almost as if he was in a hurry to get somewhere " age-wise. Know what I mean?"

They nod their heads as they continue to follow along with us, "When you look at men of significance- like artists or world leaders, inventors. They all had their particular peccadillos on their road to the top."

Constance, "But aging ten years overnight, that called for sacred intervention. I had to accept that once again, my days as a mother were at an end. I have been burdened with heartbreak my whole life. Broken dreams, broken promises, broken marriages. But this one...this one shattered me beyond recovery."

I say, "Michael had made us believe that our presence here meant something. That we mattered. But we were just invisible steps along the path." Constance, "He was done with me. I think that if we corrected his grammar one more time, he would've just slit my throat. Like the help."

Constance, "We weren't going to give him or any man the satisfaction. I've always lived my life on my own terms. So I came here. A prison, yes. But one where I knew the rules, and more importantly, where I knew the company."

Constance, "I awoke to find myself surrounded by my precious children. Well, minus my beloved Addie. God rest her soul." I had to keep myself from crying at the mention of my friends' name.

I say, "But the others were there. All of them" Constance, "With me, forever. And that is the real reason I bound my soul to this place. Because, like I said earlier, I was born to be a mother- Why not die to be one, too."

Constance, "As for my grandson, I never wanted to see him again. And I wanted to protect Daisy" After taking a puff of her cigarette, she says, "I sent Daisy into foster care, as I wanted her to be far away from this place. There it is. The whole story."

I ask, "Was it everything? You dreamed of, witchypoos?" It became silent as a little girl came up to Constance, it was her young daughter, Rose. She was the daughter who has no eyes.

Constance excused herself from the kitchen to tend to her children.

Sophia's POV: I excused myself to use the bathroom.

Daisy's POV: I excused myself for some alone time.

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