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WARNINGS: "Magic bullet" "Burning people at the stake" "Fire" "Death"

Sophia's POV:

The warlocks were going to use a sort of "magic bullet" to take out all of us witches.

My mother and a few other Coven members confronted them about it, and quite literally, made them shut up about their shit.

When we caught the woman who killed John- Mrs. Mead, who is Michael's adoptive mother(in a way) we tied her up and prepared her for her own execution.

We escorted her out to the desert. With us wearing black and holding identical color umbrellas to protect us from the hot sun. We were ready to attend this funeral style execution.

Our men tied her up, and the warlocks. Warlocks in white, and witches in black. How ironic! After our men finish tying up the warlocks and Mrs. Mead, my mother announces, "Ariel Augustus! Baldwin Pennypacker! For the murder of your fellow warlock, John Henry Moore and conspiring to commit treason against this coven. I, Cordelia Goode, on behalf of this council sentence you to death by fire."

Mom, "Our people have long stood by an agreement that no witch may kill a condemned warlock. Only your brother may light the flame. I do not intent to break with that tradition today." Our men soaked all of the evil people with gasoline as John walked up to them, also dressed in black like us.

And with honors in place, he asks, "Any last words?" She yells, "You think death is a punishment? I do not fear the fire. It cleanses me. It will cleanse this world! I've seen the end! J bear witness to the darkness! Father!" She pleads to Satan himself, "Take me in your arms!" She smiles like the psycho manic that she is, "Your kingdom is nigh!"

She laughs as they are all lit on fire. We watch them burn, as they deliberately deserve to be burned. We all walk away as the flames grow and consume them. I follow directly behind my mother in our line.

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