🗯️Could it be...Satan?

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WARNINGS: Mentions of: "Death" "Bombs" "Evil" "Violent"

? POV:

Him, "We've been charged with finding the seeds from which the future of mankind will blossom." I say, "It'd be grossly irresponsible to allow a minor infraction to keep out a viable candidate."

Him, "The stakes are too high" Gallant, "But I killed my nana" I say, "Hmm" Trying to hide my satisfaction. Him, "Nonsense, she died peacefully in her sleep." He and I knew the truth.

Him, "Trust me. You have nothing to worry about. You see, I have a talent. Call it a kind of night version of the soul. I can see into the dark places that people desperately try to keep hidden."

Mallory, "I don't have any dark places" I think to myself, 'I find that hard to believe.' He held the same reaction as me, "Really? So, even though you've worked for Coco for many years, and even though she saved your life after the bombs fell, why do I believe that you'd love nothing more than to pick up anything sharp enough to cut clay and slice her throat down to the bone?"

I say, "I'd say that qualifies, Mallory. Wouldn't you?" She admits, "Look, she can be a handful sometimes, and...yeah. She sometimes makes me do things I'd rather not. That doesn't mean I want to kill her."

She adds, "She's spoiled, and she's entitled, but she's also helpless. She needs me." Coco, "You wouldn't believe how many times I tried to fire her. I mean, Mallory could fuck up a one-car funeral, but it was always just easier to keep her around."

Him, "The devil you know" She chuckles at his comment, "It's interesting" She turns to him, "What?" Him, "After my speech about seeing into the dark places. I've come to realize something about you."

She acts interested, "Something dark?" He says, "No. True darkness requires a certain depth of character, but you're much too shallow for any kind of meaningful negativity."

The show host states at her interview, "I'm not quite sure how to take that" Him, "I'm just saying it's wonderful to see you again. I was surprised to find you here when we arrived."

She asks, "Pleasantly?" I add, "That depends" He calms me, "Should we be concerned about you causing me any trouble?" She admits, "You know I'm not powerful enough to stop whatever it is you're up to."

Him, "No but I don't like unpredictability, unless I'm responsible for it " She comes to the realization, "Neither do I. Which means, I don't like not knowing what's to come. At least when my life is concerned. I want to get to that Sanctuary."

He leans forward, "You will. You're exactly the kind of soul I'm looking for to build my new world." I was hoping that this was a lie, because I truly wanted Timothy and Emily to be the ones that we would take to the Sanctuary.

She asks, "And what kind of soul is that?" When it was Andre's interview: "Evil. Sounds corny. I know. But there's no better word to describe my mother. It is all about her. Nothing in this world even exists unless it relates to her."

I have to admit, I was afraid that Andre was going to turn violent in his interview with us, "I'm sure she thinks this entire war was just, like some conspiracy to cancel her show. She doesn't deserve to be here."

We walk over to the fire. Him, "You've made the assumption that we're looking for people who are pure of heart." I add to it, "Unblemished. Pure Lily white." With Mallory, He speaks, "The old world ruled under a set of rules: Thou shalt not kill" I add, "Thou shall love thy neighbor."

Him, "Rules that were clearly honored in the breach. I want a world without the hypocrisy. With the kinds of people, who wouldn't just eat from the fruit of the forbidden tree, but who'd cut the fucking tree down and burn it for firewood."

Him shrinks down to Mallory's seating level, "I think you're made for that world, Mallory. I sense it in you." He begins to caress her cheek as she closes her eyes and confesses, "I want to leave."

He remarks, "You're afraid. Aren't you?" She begins to cry with little tears in her eyes. He continues, "Of accepting who you are?" She becomes frustrated, "I don't know who I am." He grew confused, "What do you mean?"

This was probably the most intense interview we have ever had with these people. She looks straight at him and confesses, "Sometimes...I feel like there's something buried inside me. Someone trying to claw their way out." He asks, "Who?" She admits, "I don't know. I just want to go."

She harshly got up and tried to leave, when he grabbed her arm, "Let me go" she says to her, "Don't be afraid, Mallory. We're offering you a chance to live" She shouts at him, "I said let me go!" She roared with anger as she pushed him away and the lights went out.

She gasps as she pushed him to the ground with all her strength. He showed his true form as a pale white demon before the lights came back on. Mallory pants as she stands there with fear. He asks, "Who are you?" She says, "I don't know. Who are you two?" I helped her out of the room, as he and I looked at each other.

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