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WARNINGS: "Burned at the stake" "Abandonment" "Satanism" "Satan" "Anti Christ" "Wet dream" "The two nerd men having s*x with Victoria Secret Models every week" "Mentions of suicide."

Michael's POV:

The warlocks & Mrs. Mead- gone, burned at the stake by the witches.

Daisy- My half sister, who stood by my side. Also gone. She disappeared, and I don't know where she went.

But then, I entered this church- where I met new people, Madeline and Daniella.

Daniella. She could never replace Daisy. My beloved half sister, but she vowed to stay by my side for all eternity.

Daniella walked by my side as we walked into this meeting. Madelyn said that only Daniella and I were the only ones allowed in.

We walked through that grey narrow hallway after using the private elevator they requested that we use. There we met two men. One had brown hair and was wearing a blue shirt. The other one had light orange hair, a hairstyle that resembled a soup can, and a red and white striped shirt.

They stare at us as we walk into their facilities, "Dudes. What's up? Come on in" They laugh, "Dying to meet you. Madelyn's really been talking you up. That lady is whacked, right?" They chuckle again.

"But she seems totally convinced that you're The One" "No offense, but I thought you'd be a little bit more jacked. Like, I was picturing you totally ripped, like The Rock when he was, you know, The Rock."

Daniella rolls her eyes at them, she already cannot stand them. The one in blue asks. "That's like stereotypical, dude" "What do you mean?" "Yeah, that's not cool."

"What's your names again?" I introduce myself, "Michael" The orange haired one asks, "And who is the hot babe that you brought with you?" She steps up and says, "The hot babe has a name. And it's Daniella."

He backs up sarcastically, "Ooh, feisty. I like you." He and the other dude share some high fives, "Old Scratch." I grab Daniella's hand and I whisper to her, "Come on Dani, let's go."

She follows my lead as we walk out of that room, they stopped us. "We believe you guys. I thought I'd be like pissing my pants or something, but I am as dry as the Sahara, bro."

The orange one says, "You have to look at it from our shoes, here. How do we know that you're the Antichrist?" The one in blue, "Yeah, how do we know?"

I show them the mark of the beast, the mark of my true father. But it still wasn't enough for them, "Yeah, that's cool- but it's just a tattoo on your scalp" The other woman says, "No, it's true. I can feel the darkness. It's making me sick and it's coming from him."

I lit her on fire in that next split second. The room darkened as I displayed my true demonic face, and it was safe to say that I think they now have enough proof to say that I'm the true Antichrist.

They kneel to the ground and they start to pray, "Hail Satan." Daniella let me have lunch with both Mutt and Jeff. She couldn't stand them, so she went to get lunch by herself.

Daniella's POV:

I came back after lunch. To see that the two nitwits and Michael have made a prototype Mrs. Mead, "She could crush Watson at Jeopardy! And kick the asses of every roided actor in the Expendables franchise."

Michael, "She's amazing. Why is she so cold?" Mutt, "That'll change with the flip of her "on" switch" Jeff, "She's got a nanowire-based lithium ion battery. Basically the Energizer Bunny's wet dream."

Jeff tries to once again flirt with me, "Just like how you are my wet dream, baby." I look down at his pants section, "Ew! I think you wet your pants from that dream." He looks down at himself, "Did not!" I walk over to join Michael, "It's not funny!" I smile to myself, "It's a little funny."

I heard what they said about banging Victoria Secret Models every week. It makes me even more nervous because I used to be a Victoria Secret Angel before the "end of the world" came about. I even won Miss America and Miss Universe somewhere in there.

Jeff, "We fire her up, she goes on forever" Mutt, "Just don't tell her that she's a biomechanical humanoid. At least, not at first. It'll send her into the mother of all existential crisis."

Mutt, "She could end up killing herself, maybe others. Seriously, I've seen it happen. Not worth the headache. And now, Kineros Robotics proudly presents the Battle Axe, Miriam Mead 2.0."

Jeff pushed her "on" button from his computer. Mutt, "Now, don't expect her to be her old self right away. It's gonna take her time. She needs to learn from you. Build a rapport. Like any relationship."

Her toes wiggled as well as the ends of her fingers. Her eyes open and blinked with automatic clicks. She sat up on the table as she made direct eye contact with Michael, "How I've missed you, Michael."

Daniella actress: Zoey Deutsch

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