Chapter 2

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By Brynn Morgan
Copyright © 2023 by – Brynn Morgan – All Rights Reserved.It is not legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited

Chapter 2

Emily left the real estate office, drove to the local Andy's Hardware store, and bought a few large and small boxes, tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, scissors, and tools. Emily arrived back at her apartment and discovered that she was starving despite the stress that she felt in the pit of her stomach.Emily tossed a frozen dinner of mac and cheese and fish sticks in the microwave and chased it down with a cold glass of sweet tea from the fridge.

The rain had stopped, and she could hear the crickets singing a night symphony from her balcony. Emily opened the sliding door, and a gush of the cool breeze after the rain stirred the red tendrils of hair stuck to her face. It felt so good.The night sky was velvet black and sprinkled with millions of sparkling stars. Emily grabbed her tea, went onto the balcony, and looked up into the sky.

She continued looking up and saw a shooting star making a dazzling descent across the stars. She had no wish to make it at that point. Her desires had indeed come true, only to be cruelly ripped away. The worst part was that it was her fault. Emily was in her bubble of pain and misery.

Emily sipped her tea and leaned against the railing, staring into the darkness. The world seemed vast and infinite, yet she stood on the balcony, her eyes fixed on where the shooting star had disappeared, lost in thought.

Emily knew she should not blame herself, but the guilt was overwhelming. Emily had made a costly mistake and was now paying the price.As she stood there, lost in her thoughts, she heard a noise from inside her apartment. Her heart skipped a beat as she quickly turned around, her hand going to the pocket where she kept the small knife she always carried.But it was just her cat, Mr. Nibbles, knocking over a vase on the coffee table.

Emily sighed in relief and returned inside, closing the balcony door behind her. She looked at the boxes she had bought earlier, and for a moment, Emily was tempted to start packing at once. But she knew she needed to eat something first. She opened the microwave and took out the now-hot meal of mac and cheese and fish sticks.Tears filled her eyes at the memory of six months ago when life was so perfect and beautiful.

She and Luke had been married for five years. Their daughter Isla was three, and Emily was due to deliver their son any day. Luke had started an IT company with his best friend from college, and it just looked like life could not get any better.

Emily woke up with an intense craving for ice cream around midnight all those months ago. She shuffled uncomfortably into the living room, where Luke worked on his laptop. Her wavy red hair was in a loose bun, and she wore one of Luke's white T-shirts that was three sizes too big, even with her extended belly. Luke looked up when she walked in and smiled at that gorgeous, disarming smile of his that made her melt. He still had such an effect on her.Emily sat on the couch next to Luke, snuggled up to him, and breathed in his scent. He smelled freshly brewed coffee and a hint of his favorite cologne, Paul Sebastian. She closed her eyes and sighed contentedly.

"What are you working on?" she asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Just some last-minute client requests. Nothing too urgent," Luke replied, stroking her hair gently. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright. Just a little restless," Emily said, shifting her weight. "I can't stop thinking about ice cream."
Luke chuckled.

"Well, we can't have that now, can we? Let me see what I can do." He got up from the couch and disappeared into the kitchen.

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