Chapter 34

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Brynn Morgan

Copyright © 2023 by – Brynn Morgan – All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter 34

Lainie arrived back at Hasting's house with Bella, and everyone was outside on the porch, waiting. They had paused the seance until Lainie came back with the girl.
Emily rushed out to the car and opened the door for Bella. She looked up at Emily with sleepy blue eyes, and her face was solemn. "Hey, Bella," Emily said softly.

Bella got out of the car slowly, looked at all the people gathered on the porch, and then spotted Davis. He smiled at her, and she walked over to him and hugged him tightly around his waist. She looked scared and frail.Lainie walked over and stood beside Emily, and they approached the group." I'm scared to let her in there," she said worriedly to Davis. "She has not been in that house since her mother died."

"We will watch her like a hawk, Lainie," Emily assured her. Vivian had recovered and was no longer shaking as she had been before. She walked over to Bella.

"Thank you for coming, Bella. I need your assistance tonight," she said, talking to her as she would talk to a colleague. Bella was a beautiful child, and she was unique with her pale blue eyes that were so full of intelligence and she had white-blond hair. She also had the gift of sight; only Vivian could read that as she held her hand. She could be a mighty force with the proper training.

Davis led Bella inside the entryway, and they made a space for her at the table with all the other participants. "I believe you will react differently this time, Penelope," Vivian whispered in the darkness. "Now that Bella is here with us," Vivian struck a match and lit her candle. Her voice was low. The only light again came from the eerie glow of the candles, casting shadows on the walls and ceiling."Penelope, we are back with you now. Are you still here with us?" Vivian asked. They were met with silence. "Will you speak to us?" She asked. "Bella is here; I know she is your friend. She wants to help you as we do." Bella leaned in tight to Emily, and her eyes were wide with fright. Emily rubbed Bella's shoulder to dispel her fear as best as possible. "Penelope. Can you tell me what happened to you in this house?" Vivian asked softly.
Stefan had the pen poised a few inches above the paper. Suddenly, the pen moved so softly that he wondered if he had imagined it, but it did it again. It moved. The pen lowered to the paper and began to write.


Vivian looked at the word. "Die? Are you trying to say that you died here, Penelope, or are you saying that you want someone here to die?" she asked. "Could you clarify for me, please?"

Again, the pen scribbled DIE; every time this happened, Stephan would repeat it so the group could hear it.

"Did you die in this house?" Vivian asked once more and only received silence. She was extremely frustrated. She had hoped that Bella's presence would unlock something but had failed to succeed.
Bella stood up abruptly, startling everyone, from her chair and pushed it back with a scraping sound against the marble floor. She walked away from the table and wandered over to the grand staircase lit in candlelight. Beyond the stairs was thick, overwhelming darkness. Bella started climbing the steps, and Lainie hurried after Bella and climbed the steps behind her.

"Look," Stephan said excitedly, tapping Vivian on her hand. She looked up and smiled.The chandelier moved slowly, back and forth, and the bulbs blinked and then went out like extinguished stars. It was happening.

Vivian followed them up the grand staircase and motioned for Davis and Clarrisa to accompany her.
Bella reached the top of the steps, and doors shut down the hallway loudly. The chandelier swung erratically, back and forth, back and forth.
Vivian stood at the landing, and Bella was in front of her. Her small hand was on the railing. "Did you die in this house, Penelope?" Vivian asked.

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