Chapter 17

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Brynn Morgan

Copyright © 2023 by – Brynn Morgan – All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter 17

Emily woke up covered in Davis's plush navy blue blanket. She stretched her legs out and met his body, pressing her foot into his left side. He stirred and was lying across the foot of the bed with his arms folded on his stomach. Emily rose and looked at him, at his profile as he rested, and the night before hit her hard in the gut. She remembered everything.

Emily collapsed against the pillows and blocked the sunlight streaming through the window above his desk with her arms. Was last night real? Had she almost died? Emily lying in Davis's bed confirmed that it was true. Her head pounded like she had been hit over the head with a hammer and eyes ached and burned from crying. She did remember having another nightmare during the night and feeling Davis shake her awake and smooth her hair back from her face.

Emily shifted from her position, and Davis stirred. He woke up and turned his head. Davis looked at her, and he was breathless with how stunning she was in the early morning light, with her wavy red hair loose around her shoulders and her blue eyes huge and unreadable at that moment in her heart-shaped face.
He smiled at her. "Mornin," he said softly.

Emily looked sheepishly at him and was not sure what to say or how to react to him. She was in his bed, wrapped up in his blanket. It just seemed so intimate to her. That was wrong. Right? She should not be in this bed. She tossed back the covers, scooted
across the mattress quickly, and was dizzy with the effort. She held her head to try to stop the pounding.
"Mornin," she murmured, feeling very awkward and embarrassed from the events of the night before, and she felt super dizzy.

Davis got up and walked into the connected bathroom, and she heard him turning on the faucet and getting something out of the medicine cabinet. "Here. Take these." He said as he walked back toward her and handed her the glass with water and a couple of Advil.

Emily looked up at him and groaned as she took the meds and sipped the water. "Thank you, Davis."

There was a light knock on the door. "Come in," Davis said; the door opened, and Lainie walked in.

She looked at Emily sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Hey there." How are you this morning?" She asked as she folded her arms and watched her with concern.

"I feel like I have been drugged and am so lethargic."

Lainie nodded. "With what you experienced last night. That is to be expected, my dear. You are probably still slightly in shock."

Davis walked over and sat down beside Emily. "You have a nurse at your disposal, so you are in good hands." He said, slapped his knees with his hands, and popped up. "I will get some coffee brewing and make breakfast for us." Davis left the room.

Lainie took her brother's place beside Emily. "We were apprehensive for you last night. Do you need to rest?"

Emily sighed and then looked at Lainie with a stern look. "What I need is to find out what in the hell attacked me last night, Lainie. Something was trying to kill me! What was that, and why me? I don't understand any of this."

Lainie patted her on the shoulder. "I feel that a lot may be revealed once we read Elizabeth's diaries."
Emily looked at her and hoped that she was right.


Lainie and Emily drove to the Summerhill County library after breakfast while Davis cared for Bella at the farm.

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