Chapter 35 and Epilogue

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Brynn Morgan

Copyright © 2023 by – Brynn Morgan – All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter 35

Day of Penelope's death- Later that night

James expressly forbade Georgia and Paris to mention anything about how Penelope died. His voice was harsh but shaky as he instructed them urgently at the top of the steps. "I want you to go to your rooms. You may come out only when I call for you," Paris was terrified to leave his side, but she went into her room and shut the door softly. Georgia, however, was pale, and her eyes were wide and dilated. She could not erase the horrific way the girl stared at them; It petrified Georgia.

"Papa, I'm scared," Georgia whispered. James looked down at her, and his voice was harsh.

"We will burn in hell for this, my darling Georgia," he said with dread. " We will burn in hell. Now go to your room," he said roughly, pushing her on her shoulder with no tenderness. He was disgusted by her. Georgia looked up at him strangely, and her eyes were questioning. She decided that it was best to leave and went to her bedroom. Her stomach was in turmoil, and she threw herself down beside her chamber pot and wretched terribly.

James straightened up his clothes and wiped the sweat away from his brow. He diverted his glance as he hurried down the stairs. James could not look at Penelope again. He could hear the screeching of the rope as it swung back and forth slowly. That sound would forever haunt him. That look in her eyes, and that smile on her face would forever stay with him.
James went outside and walked to the garden where Catherine played with the children, and he took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. He motioned Milly, one of his servant girls holding his little daughter London, to go inside and have Cora, the kitchen maid, bring a pitcher of water and glasses for the family. Milly did as she was told and went into the house. A piercing scream rang through the air a few moments later, and Milly ran out of the house, crying and looking at the door with fright, pointing and running toward the garden. Catherine looked at James with alarm. Sam, one of the stable hands, ran up the path to the front porch and entered the house. He came out a few minutes later with his hat on his chest.
James motioned him over to him with a wave of his hand. "What is going on, Sam?" He asked casually, knowing they had seen Penelope hanging in the front entryway. Sam shook his head slowly.

"The girl went and hung herself, sir," he said regretfully. James gasped, and Catherine held her gloved hand to her lips delicately.

"What?" she breathed slowly. Sam was a large Irish man with a head full of red hair and warm brown eyes. He was a gentle giant.

"Yes, Mistress. I think she was a bit touched in the head," he stated. James placed a hand on his shoulder and led him away from Catherine. He looked at Sam and grimaced.

"Where did she do it?" He asked with concern. Sam nodded.

"In the front of the house, from the upstairs railing. It's a horrible sight, Master James." James smacked him softly on his back.

"Take Jed and cut her down," he said with authority.
Sam nodded.

"Yes, sir. Where would you like her placed until the burial?" he asked low. James had yet to think that far ahead. She had to be disposed of, but not on the grounds.

"Put her in her room on the bed. I need to think of where she should rest," James whispered. Sam nodded and went into the house. He and Jed took a knife, cut the rope, and lowered Penelope's body to the floor. They looked at her and shuddered at her condition.
Something was wrong with her that did not make sense. The girl was brutally beaten and seriously injured, but they just looked at one another. Her leg was broken badly, and the bone was exposed; Jed grew faint and almost passed out from the sight. There were bloody red welts from a whip - and they were fresh. Something was not right. They would not dare question it, though.

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