Chapter 12

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Brynn Morgan

Copyright © 2023 by – Brynn Morgan – All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter 12

Rumors about Amori Black's death had been swirling around Summerhil. It was a small town, and the news that she had been found dead at Hastings House was no doubt causing a stir. Everyone in town knew of her from the billboard near the main intersection, with her smiling picture , winking at passersby.

That night, on Channel Six's Live Action News, the young and pretty reporter stood before the iron gates of the mansion to deliver the story, excitement clear in her voice but her eyes inappropriately smiling for such a serious matter.

"Today, we have learned that popular real estate agent and developer Amori Black was found dead here at this house behind me," she said, pointing at the gate behind her. "It has been reported that foul play was not suspected, according to Deputy Lang Moore from the local Sheriff's Department. "

After hearing this report, Davis turned off the TV and announced he was going to bed; it had been an exhausting day, which was an understatement.

The police had asked Davis and Emily a bunch of questions at the farm, but their story remained consistent without any variation. Emily understood why he wanted to get away and have some peaceful rest. She would not be able to enjoy this luxury tonight.

Lainie collected the empty mugs and plates that had held their pizza supper, carrying them into the kitchen. Emily followed her in there.

"Can I help?" she asked.

Lainie sighed heavily, filling the dishwasher with dirty dishes. "Just stay with me for a few minutes before we go to bed," she suggested, smiling weakly. Emily sat down on the island and dropped her head, a massive headache throbbing behind her eyes.

"I met a woman from the country market who had done a book report on the Hastings House; I could go there tomorrow and see what information she gathered about it." Emily said, as she watched Lainie turn off the lights over the sink and stove.

Lainie put a red and white gingham patterned dish towel on the countertop in front of her. Taking a seat across from Emily, Lainie rubbed her eyes tiredly.

"I've thought about visiting Mom at the nursing home this week - she was a housekeeper at Hasting's before Tristan. She may be able to tell us a bit about the house's history and who lived there. " A pause ensued as she continued, "I heard it was centuries old and belonged to the affluent Hasting family, who were generous to charities. "

"I didn't mention this yet, but Amori was with me when I first moved in." Emily said. "We went upstairs to examine the bedrooms, but I couldn't bring myself to take one. The chambers felt so large and unwelcoming, and at the end of the lengthy corridor was a door I could not open. As soon as I got there, I suddenly fell ill."

Lainie leaned in closer, taking everything in attentively, and Emily went on speaking.

"As soon as I stepped away from that door ... my nausea evaporated ... almost immediately."

"That is strange," Lainie exclaimed.

Emily met her gaze, her voice becoming soft.

"When I came back down the hallway, I stood near the window at the railing and either had a vision or dream; it's uncertain which one: an adolescent female or girl was standing at the railing with a rope in her hands, tying a noose around her neck , then looking straight at me with an eerie dark smile before getting up on the railing and jumping."

Lainie gasped with shock and alarm, her eyes widening in horror as she asked. "What on earth? You saw this?" she asked in disbelief.

"Yes," Emily answered.

Lainie quickly rose to her feet. "Good heavens!" Her voice carried sheer terror. She covered her mouth with one hand and walked to the counter by the fridge, where her purse hung from one of its compartments. She reached inside for a small notepad and pen. "Ok. So, this thing can travel to other areas of the mansion."

Emily sighed with exhaustion. "Yes."

Lainie returned to her seat, trembling and troubled by Emily's story.

"Alright," she spoke matter-of-factly, pausing for a few moments to breathe deeply. "Every accident has occurred around the staircase; it's always been at this same spot. From my experience of being pushed down the stairs, my sister falling down those stairs, and now Amori's fatal plunge."

Emily nodded as she rested her chin on her hand. "It looks that way," she concurred.

Lainie jotted down STAIRCASE and WOMAN in bold letters on her notepad. "Let's go into town tomorrow," she suggested. "We can ask that girl if we can read her report. I will take some time off from work and visit our mom to see if she knows anything. We can also swing by the local library and City Hall to check for any articles or records about the Hasting house."

Emily added, "When I was there in the house, I wasn't pushed down the steps but paralyzed with fear while hearing some roaring noise in my ears, like something chasing me through the place."

Lainie noted that detail as well. "You're right, Emily," she agreed. "In your case, this presence seemed to have spread out beyond the staircase area. Whatever it is, we need to figure out what's really going on; no one else needs to get hurt."

Emily left Lainie downstairs ,went into the bathroom upstairs and completed her nighttime ritual of brushing her teeth and taking down her bun. She collapsed onto the bed after slipping back into the same pajamas from the night before.

Emily rolled onto her side to turn off the lamp next to the bed, a beautiful Tiffany model with stained-glass-like windows in its shade. She changed her mind and kept the light on; it would prevent her from having nightmares about Amori, she thought.

Unfortunately, this was not true; Emily did manage to fall asleep but was soon engulfed in a horrible dream featuring Amori at the base of the stairs, her body limp and twisted at an odd angle. Emily heard Amori's ghostly voice whisper.

"Em's." as she reached out to grab her.

Emily tried to scream for help, but no sound came out.

She jolted awake in a cold sweat, remembering it was merely a nightmare. Emily looked up and noticed the lamp had been turned off, although she distinctly remembered leaving it on.

The room was pitch black; all Emily could hear was her own heavy breathing. Without warning, the blanket that had been covering her was no longer there.

Emily rose from the bed and felt the chilly carpet with her toes until she found the comforter.

As she stood back up, searching for anything out of place within the darkness, the moon revealed its light through the window, bathing the bedroom in an eerie bluish glow.

Emily did not see any movement or figure, but as soon as the thought of relief crossed her mind, the lamp suddenly lit up brighter than usual before turning itself off again.

Emily let out a gasp and quickly ran from the bedroom, feeling immediate comfort when outside of the four walls of the bedroom.

She made her way to the great room, grabbed a quilt that was draped over the couch and could not stop the shaking all over her body from what had happened upstairs.

Emily pulled the quilt down over her body and lay there for the rest of the night, trembling, her eyes wide open, watching the staircase and just knowing, that at any moment, Amori would come after her.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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