Chapter 33

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Brynn Morgan

Copyright © 2023 by – Brynn Morgan – All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter 33

Davis's phone was connected to his truck's Bluetooth so that Emily could hear Lainie as she spoke. Her eyes widened."What do you mean? How do you know that it is Penelope?"

"Because I found the pictures that she drew, Emily, and they are scary as hell!" she said in fear.

Emily's cell phone rang at that moment, and it was Clarrisa calling her back. "I have to take this call," she said to Davis and Lainie. She answered it.

Clarrisa sounded breathless.
"Emily. You will not believe what I found out!" she said excitedly. Emily held her breath and waited.

"It is not Clara! Clara is not the one haunting Hastings! Clara was rescued from that room by Jed! The guy that brought up the bricks to her and Pen in the winter. He married her, Emily!"

Emily was silent and then responded. "It is Penelope Clarrisa. Lainie just found some drawings in Bella's room that confirm it. We need to let Vivian know this," she said with dread.

Clarrissa was quiet and then said.
"I will call her now."
Davis rushed up to the porch, where Lainie stood, and hugged her tightly."Are you ok?" he asked with great concern. Lainie was trembling horribly in his arms. He held her and watched Emily approach the steps slowly, cautiously, "Can you show me the pictures?" Davis asked Lainie.

She led them into the house and showed them the pictures of the sketches lying on the couch.
Emily picked them up and looked at the drawings. She looked at the horrible image of Penelope, and she shivered deep in her bones.
It was so scary—the look on Penelope's face.
She handed them over to Davis, and he flipped through them, too. "It has been talking and communicating with Bella all along. That is just too much. She was messing with her before Tristan even died."Davis looked at his Sister and Emily."I hope that tonight Vivian can get her to cross over or whatever the hell it is that mediums do," he said in a grave tone.
Emily nodded in agreement.

"Me too, Davis."
Hasting's house loomed eerily on the dark summer night. No stars twinkled in the heavy gray sky, and the moon hid its face behind black clouds as if it were afraid to peek out and look down at the mansion. No light shone from the windows, and there were no signs of life, just complete and utter darkness. The inside of the house was still as if it was holding its breath, anticipating what would come. She wandered the dark halls slowly. Penelope felt the intruders approach as she floated down the staircase. She hovered above the door, looking through the window, and saw the approaching car lights and grimaced, shaking and trembling with rage as she rose higher and saw the old woman with the white hair. She hated her. She had seen her before when she channeled through the witch that day.
Vivian and the Sisters arrived at seven-thirty at the house, and it began to rain, heavy plops of cold rain that made them shiver as it made contact with their skin. They exited the van and looked up at the mansion with foreboding on their upturned faces.
"Do you feel it, sisters?' Vivian asked in an ominous tone.They looked at her as they donned their black robes and placed the hoods over their heads.
Luna looked at her.

"What, Auntie? What do you feel?"

Vivin shuddered."The war that we are going to encounter here tonight," she said softly, walking up the mansion's steps. "Be ready." She warned. "She is angry."

Two more vehicles drove up the long, winding driveway to the front of the mansion and parked. It was the truck with Davis, Emily, and Lainie, and right behind them was a black suburban with black tinted windows. The driver's side door opened slowly, and the driver got out and went to the passenger side. He opened the door, and slowly, an older man emerged. The man wore a maroon velvet suit, a black dress shirt, and black patent leather shoes that shined. He was dark-skinned, wearing his black hair pulled back in a low ponytail on his neck. He wore large rings, whipped a handkerchief out of his suit pocket, and dabbed at his upper lip where beads of sweat had formed."Lord almighty Vivian, but you know how to pick the hottest places on earth!" he laughed boisterously. He had a thick Creole accent. Vivian smiled and held out her arms to him. She looked ethereal with her long white robes and her snow-white hair.

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