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FLASHBACK ~~Jimin's pov

We were gathered in the practice room but yoongi hyung was missing .
and hobi hyung asked me to go call him here why me out of all people ?
I was  scared of him but I had no option I went to our room ,silently walking in ,
I saw yoongi hyung on his bed covered in sheets
I thought maybe he is sick but I had to deliver hobi hyung's message as I walked closer to his bed .
I heard sobbing sounds. He was crying I couldn't believe my ears .
He was really crying. I Sat quietly on his bed and tapped his shoulder. 
He got alert from sudden touch . And stopped sobbing I didn't know what to say so I said" hyung , hobi hyung called for you to the practice " .
He said he will be there in 5 mins and I left.
I couldn't see his crying face but I assumed he stopped crying the moment I started talking .
5 mins later he entered the practice room with no expression on his face and started practicing. 
I was worried I had never seen him cry . After practice it was evening and I went to the terrace like everyday to watch the sunset .
After 10 minutes I felt someone approach me ,I turned to see it was suga hyung . Without any delay he Said " don't tell anyone I cried "

No one's pov
"Hyung can I hug you ?" Jimin said making suga confused .
"What?" Suga asked but was pulled in quickly into a hug by jimin . "It's okay hyung, I won't tell anyone"
Suga didn't know what to say he gave in to hug . And without words they left the terrace .
Next day jimin was again on the spot watching the sunset when suga came and sat next to him. Neither of them said anything. They sat and watched the sunset and jimin could feel tears running down suga's cheek but he didn't say anything and let him cry .After 20 mins suga got up and said " I will be back tomorrow here" . He said and left leaving a confused jimin there.

See you in the next one .
Love ❤️

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