A real man

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[You know it's the flashback, I don't need to remind you each time lol ]

The next morning jimin crawled out of suga's hold to start his early practice .a lot was going on in his mind after hearing suga's story but when he get into his professional mood he forgets everything except dance.

The other members woke up on their time and joined jimin in their practice room .
Suga saw jimin and slightly smiled making jimin feel relieved .

They continued their day like every other day.
And as evening started suga went to the terrace to join jimin for sunset because he haven't talked to jimin all day. Nothing comes between work .

He went upstairs but found another Sticky note on the wall stating that jimin is biking near han river again .

Suga went to get ready to join him .
Once he reached the river park he was about to go talk to jimin who was standing near the river but before he could he saw tae next to him they started talking and laughing.

Suga felt weird ,sure he loved tae like he loves all of his members but at that  moment he felt out of place.

He didn't want anyone else in between jimin and his sunset time. But why ? Suga left the park without approaching them.
He went back to the dorm and back to the terrace where he used to cry next to jimin .
He asked himself what is happening with him.
Is he using jimin as an escape from his thoughts ? Why do he like being next to jimin ? Was it a family kind of  love or is he actually falling for a guy ? Impossible he is straight and always liked girls.

He just came out of a terrible relationship maybe that's why his thoughts are confusing him . He sighed and kept watching the sunset.

Wondering what tae and jimin would be doing in the park.

On the other side jimin who was in the company of his best friend was still sad . He thought suga will show up after seeing his Sticky note and he will feel better after riding the bike in the fresh air.

But he never showed up . It was the first time after these days when he was watching the sunset alone without yoongi next to him. And it was not a good feeling. He felt sick .

The sunset wasn't looking as beautiful as it used to look when he watched them before suga joined him. The sunset which he loved the most is making him sad .how ?

While riding the bike . The thoughts kept creeping his mind. '"Do I like him ? No that's not possible I am a 'real' man I like girls . I definitely don't like him why would I? "'

His own thoughts made him feel so  sick that he hardly focused on anything that tae was saying to him . He left the park telling tae that he wasn't feeling well .

He entered the dorm ,drank some cold water and tried to calm his mind by washing his face from cold water . No he can't handle it .

He needs to talk to someone, someone who is smart enough to understand him and not judge him .
So he went to his leader RM , his namjoon hyung .

He knocked on namjoon's studio door . And namjoon called him inside.
"H-hyung?" Jimin started talking but kept stuttering , it wasn't as easy as he thought it would be to share such thing.

"Yes jimin . It looks like you are nervous about something, you can talk to me anytime you know. It's my duty to listen to you as your older brother and your leader "

Jimin felt reassured from namjoon's words.

"Hyung , is it weird that I think I might like suga hyung differently?" He said in one go cause he doesn't know if he can gather the courage for longer .

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