Enough for now

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[Last one of jimin's pov ]

[It's the night of last chapter]
suga is working in his studio  avoiding human contact to distract his mind from overthiniking .

'A knock on the door followed by jungkook's voice '
"Yoongi  hyung ?"
"Jungkook go for now I am  busy , don't disturb me" yoongi said by  slightly raising his voice to reach jungkook's ears.

Jungkook sighs and leaves cause he knows  yoongi hates when people disturb him 

[10 minutes later ]
Another knock on the door
"Just go away I told you not to disturb me " suga said annoyed .

"I am sorry hyung,  but  dinner is served it will get cold  "jimin said softly and decided to leave after delivering the message. 

The door flung open and suga quickly said " oh jimin , it's you . You can come in . You are allowed in 'genius lab'" Which is suga's studio .

Jimin couldn't hold Back his little smile as he entered suga's studio , he sat on one of the chairs and asked yoongi how his work was going

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Jimin couldn't hold Back his little smile as he entered suga's studio , he sat on one of the chairs and asked yoongi how his work was going.

"Trying to write something good , it's a bit frustrating tho" suga said as he sighs .

"But you are awesome , whatever you will write it will be great for sure " jimin said also realizing that this is the longest they have ever talked except for the 'nayeon' story in which it was mostly suga who shared his feelings .

"H-hyung about earlier , please don't find me weird . Me and tae got the dare to kiss each other as punishment in our school so we were practicing how we will fake it tomorrow " jimin mentally complimented himself for the good lie.

Suga smiled lightly "it's okay jimin it's not something to be awkward for and you don't need to explain " suga said as he took a sip from his water bottle

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Suga smiled lightly "it's okay jimin it's not something to be awkward for and you don't need to explain " suga said as he took a sip from his water bottle.

"Also hyung can I sleep in your bed tonight?" Jimin said bluntly and suga almost choked at the water .

"What?"  suga said.

"I mean hyung , I accidentally dropped water on my bed so I was thinking if I can sleep at your bed " jimin tried to sound cool .

"Oh sure jimin , you don't need to ask it's cold anyway" suga said giving jimin a smile of reassurance. 

"Thanks hyung , join us for dinner soon I will leave now " jimin said and hurried to their bedroom to drop water on his bed .

His little crush is going to kill him one day .

He just wanted to stay near suga now especially after the kiss incident and now that he had realized he likes yoongi.

He just wants to experience the feeling sleeping next to his so called crush now . And he is also happy that suga doesn't mind it . Even if he meant it in a brotherly way, it is ENOUGH FOR NOW  And that's how their cuddling journey  started .

🩷🤎🩷🤎🩷🤎🩷🤎🩷🤎🩷🤎🩷🤎🩷🤎Finally out of my blockage and explained everything that was not explained in" present time" , now we can finally go back to future

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Finally out of my blockage and explained everything that was not explained in" present time" , now we can finally go back to future. 
Pretty small chapter I know just wanted to clear the previous shit .

Love ❤️

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