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This fic was originally written and involved an abuser so it had been heavily edited to remove him. Instead I have chosen to continue this as an oc fic/friend of content creators thing.

So to explain briefly, Vienna is the younger sibling of Lake Indigo, another oc of mine that was recently written in for edits done to roommates and disasterology. This fic, however, takes place in a separate universe from those two.

Just like before, this book will be more oc centered and just revolve around mostly Vienna and her journey to getting suddenly famous. There are content creators Vienna ends up becoming friends with but everything between them is always platonic ! Lastly before warnings, I am in no way speculating on anybody's life and this is mainly written for fun and slightly for therapy the way I write my problems through my characters but you didn't read that.

Some trigger warnings before we start completely!

-themes of mental illness and undiagnosed autism/adhd are heavy throughout the book

-almost every main character/oc smokes 🍃 and/or vapes, if that sort of thing bothers you you can either skip past the small descriptions of it or stop reading.

- I can't think of any other warnings but I do try to put any trigger warnings that might come up at the beginning of chapters.

Enjoy the story as I attempt to edit everything

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