New Friend

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Authors POV:

So this is my first time making a story, so I hope you will like this story. Please vote and comment with your opinion about this story. This would be an additional experience for me, and I would be grateful to be read by a large number of people. Please expect grammar error and spelling error . TY~~~


I awaken to the sound of my obnoxious alarm clock. After approximately 20 minutes, I got up and went straight to the bathroom to take a bath. After taking a bath, I wear my school uniform and tidied my room. I go downstairs to toast bread and cook eggs. I live here alone because my patents are too busy with their company to spend a day with me, well I'm kind a use to it already. After finishing my meal, I go outside and lock the door of my apartment. I sighed deeply, knowing that this first day of school would be the start of a hellish week for me. I was bullied by the playboy at our school, and I despise him. I waited for the bus, which arrived after a few moments. I walked in and took a seat next the window. I keep glancing out the window at the magnificent view outside, remembering how much that boy had harmed me in previous years. I was deep in meditation when the driver yelled at me.

Driver: Hey lady!! Are you not getting off the buss?.

Y/N: Oh, sorry I zoned out.

I said, getting off the bus, as I looked at my wristwatch and thought, Oh crap! I'm overdue for my first day of school. I ran as fast as I could until I collided with someone and landed on my butt on the ground.

???: Oww! .

I heard someone winced in pain, I take a quick glance at the person I collided with. I was taken a back by how attractive he was. I kept staring at him until he said something that brought me back to the world I was in.

???: Miss are you alright?.

He said this as he stood up and extended his arms to assist me. I quickly accept it and stand up to dust my clothes.

Y/N: I'm sorry, are you hurt?.

I hurriedly checked him to see if he had any wounds. He chuckled and grabbed both of my shoulders. We started having a staring contest, and to break it up, I pretended to cough.

???: I'm alright, don't worry.

He said and planted a smile.

Y/N: Are you sure?.

I asked worriedly and checked him again

???: I'm fine.

He said.

???: Your cute.

He added that made me freeze in place and stare at him blankly.

???: Hey?.

He said and clapped his hand in front of my face. I lowered my head as i felt my cheeks burn of embarrassment.

???: You don't need to hide your pretty face.

Y/N: A-Ah w-what?.

Oh my god, Why do I stutter?

???: HAHA, You okay?

He said this while flashing his signature smile.

Y/N: Me? Yeah, I'm totally f-fine.

I smiled

???: What's your name miss?.

He asked.

Y/N: W-why do y-you n-need to k-know.

My words stutter once more. I became extremely nervous because no one wants to talk to a loser like me. Everyone doesn't want to be friends with me, and I'm not sure why.

???: Let's be friends? What do you say?.

He said this while extending his arm for a handshake. I smiled as I quickly accepted it.

Me: My name is Y/N, nice to meet you.

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