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I had just returned from the apartment on Saturday. Nayeon Unnie pleaded with me to stay, but I thought it would be best for them both to spend more time together. I made the decision to return for that reason.

I reclined on the bed after setting my bag down on the couch. I sighed as I fixed my gaze on the ceiling. After only a few days in Nayeon's place, a lot had happened.

So what now?

I question myself; I was already missing Nayeon Unnie's presence because the place was so dull and silent. I made the decision to get up and go to the kitchen so I could at least have some noodles. My hunger is killing me.

I began opening the noodles when someone rang the apartment door.

Who might that be? I don't anticipate having any guests today. 

My eyebrows went up. Who could that be? Turning the knob, I moved over to the door. There, I saw a handsome guy with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

Panicked, I shut the door swiftly and put my hand on my chest, my heart was pounding.

Why is Jungkook here?

I took a deep breath and opened the door.

And saw Jungkook with a smile, he reached his hands out, holding the flower

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And saw Jungkook with a smile, he reached his hands out, holding the flower. I stare at him, give him a smile, and receive the bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you"

I said and smelled the flower. It smells quite fragrant and is very lovely—exactly as I like it.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

"I loved it!!" I exclaimed with gave him a smile.

With the flowers still in my hands, I stood motionless as he moved in and took a seat on the couch.

I don't know what to do or say; it was so silent until he spoke. 

"Let's go on a date." 

He said it with a smile, and I widened my eyes as I felt my cheeks burning up. A smile slowly was drawn from my face. 


 I question ensuring that what I heard is real and not a hallucination. He stands up and walks towards me.

"Yes, a date," he said with a smile.

"Give me half an hour, and I'll simply go change."

I said without eye contact, I was too shy to even glance at his reaction. I rushed to my room and locked the door.

Jungkook POV

I will surely make this day amazing for Y/N. I will make her happy and give her the best princess treatment. She will never regret giving me this chance, and I will make sure that she falls for me.

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