It's him again

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After filling up all the papers, a servant led me to Mr. Jeon son's room; it was upstairs.

Servant: Here's his room. Good luck

As she spoke those things, the servant gave me a troubled look. Is Mr. Jeon Son such a brat that not even this servant dares approach the door room?

I just nodded with a smile, and the servant walked away. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. But neither answer nor voice I heard. I then grabbed the door knob and twisted it. 'Eh, does it not lock? ' I thought.

I entered the room, and it was really clean and big.

Until I hear someone walking, I think it is Mr. Jeon's son.

I fixed myself and the books that I was holding. While I was fixing myself for the last time, I heard someone clear their throat. I slowly looked at who that was, and my whole body froze.

Mr. Jeon's son is Jungkook! freaking jungkook! But that was not why I froze. I froze because he just got out of the shower and I saw him with just a towel in his waist while water was still dripping from his hair. 'He looks really good. His body was amazing. I can't help staring at it.

Jk: Are you done staring?

I was brought back to reality when he said that. What the heck was I thinking? I mentally slap myself. This is really embarrassing. I quickly turn around and close my eyes tightly. What the heck was I thinking a second ago?

I flinched as I heard him speak. I am now afraid to face him because of my now-tomatoed face. I need to calm down before I face him. I take a breath in and out, but nothing is working.

Jk: Hey, don't you hear what I just said?

He said that as I felt someone pull me and turn me around, I opened my eyes, and now that I was facing his wet body, I froze again as I put my hand in my face to cover my now-red face.

JK: What the hell is wrong with you? Why the heck are you so stiff?!

He said as he tried to pull my hand that was covering my face. I tried to slowly look at him, and everything just went black.

Jungkook POV

She slowly looked at me, and then she fainted. What is wrong with this bitch? She is acting really weird right now. I carry her and put her on my bed.

After putting on my clothes, I walk toward her. What is she doing here?. How did she know my house? i thought

I looked at the dropped books and picked them one by one. Math?. English? Biology?. That's when I realized why she was here. Dad hired her as my tutor.

Heh, this is going to be fun. I thought an evil thought entered my mind. You will regret getting this job, I thought as a smile crept to my face.


I slowly opened my eyes. Where am I? I thought, Oh yeah, I'm in Jungkook's room. I widened my eyes as I realized what I was thinking. I then scanned the surroundings, and there I saw Jungkook crossing his arm.

JK: So now you awake? You are freaking heavy!

Me: I'm really sorry about what happened.

I said as I lowered my gaze, afraid of his reply.

JK: So can you answer the question I asked you now?

Eh? He looked really calm when he said that. That's new; I never hear him say things this calm.

Me: Your dad hired me as your tutor.

I answered.

Jk: I know

He said. Is he stupid or what? Why ask me a question when he knows the answer?

Jk: So you already knew about what happened to all the tutors that work here, right?

He asked.

Me: Yes

Jk: Are you sure you can do it?

Me: Yes

I stared deep into his eyes. I can't decline this offer; the income is really big, and I can't let this pass. I can do this!! I motivated myself.

JK: I'll give you one condition.

He said.

Me: What is it?

I asked

JK: Don't act like we know each other at the university.

He replyed. Pfft, it's easy. I am known as the loner, student at that university. People never really like me there; they all make fun of me and bully me. That is why this thing is really easy for me.

Me: Alright, I got it.

Jk: Okay, now get out!!

He shouted. What the heck is wrong with him? A minute ago, he looked really calm, and now he was back to what I knew: a devil. Sometimes I really don't know his emotions, he can quickly change them.

Jk: Can't you hear me?. Get out!!!

I flinch when he raises his voice. I quickly get up, get my things, and sprint out of his room.

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