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One month has passed and my period didn't come, I'm so scared!

I bought a pregnancy test and I have to wait three minutes for the result...

Harvey is by my side, he hopes it's positive.

Three minutes passed and the result is...POSITIVE!

We cheer up and go downstairs to plan a surprise party for our families.

We went to the store and bought some snacks and drinks.

We came home and called our families, everyone was at work but they all answered.

They came home early (we were at my house) and we said to everyone: 'Okay we have a surprise for you!' Me and Harvey say at the same time.
'Please mom open this box.' I say to my mum.

She opened it and when she saw the pregnancy test she was almost to faint.

'IT'S POSITIVE!' She screams.
'I'm so happy for you both, you will be great parents!' Sara says.
'Thank you so much for the compliments, I'm so happy that you aren't mad.' I say.
'We can't wait to find out if they are twins.' Harvey says.
'I think yes because you have the genes and Isa too because her baby brother and sister are twins so maybe we'll have two boys or one boy and one girl.' Paul says.

My dad wasn't so happy, he doesn't trust Harvey, he even tried to make us break up, I don't know what's wrong with him. He prefers Max.

By the way, Max and Addison broke up after a big fight, maybe they weren't meant to be together.

This month at school was crazy, I was full of tests but I made some friends, I'm so happy that I met them.

The party ended and Harvey wanted to talk with me for some reason.

'Isa, we need to take a break, I can't handle to have babies at this age. I know I was happy at first but now I'm scared, please understand me...'
'But Harvey, how can you abandon me in this situation, do you want me to do abortion?'
'No no, please keep the babies, but it's just, I don't know how to handle everything, school, being famous, the babies, it's just too much.'

And after that Harvey left. Max heard everything and he helped me to calm down. I think my dad is right, maybe Max is better...

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