A part of me dies every day I-

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I've always felt that emptiness inside me, in the place where something called 'Love' should be, you know.

I imagine myself sitting with someone the most closest to me. For now that person just seems like a mere shadow, a blank space waiting to be filled in. I don't think it ever will though.

Us, sitting in pure silence, taking in our surroundings. Neither of us saying a word because we're just at peace to be in each other's presence.

I would probably stare at them if we're confortable enough with each other.
I like taking in the features of people or things I adore.

And they'll probably have to make a habit of it.

× I love you ×

How can you though?

How can someone sane even dare to.

I don't know how to handle hearing that.

I want it all to go back please.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so...sorry I don't know what to say in return.

This will never change anything between us I promise you but...

Would you still love me if I stayed silent?

Will you ever, every-

Forgive me for this?

I might ice you out for...just a few minutes at max because I can't stand to lose another friend.

Tell me you love me again when I actually start understand this twisted emotion. Because strong ones can never sink into me.

Can you wait till then? Stay with me till then?

× No ×

Please don't go, don't leave me, don't forget me.

Not again, please.

Promise you won't die without meeting me once again if you can.

I beg you...


Will you stay if I say 'I love you' back?
Because I can...I will do that if you'd stay but I won't mean it whole heartedly.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry to see you go.

To lose you.

I wish I could forget you.

But I can't.

It's too late for that.

I blame myself for this all in the end...

Promise you won't forget about all these memories...about me.


"I'm mister loverman."
"I miss my lover, man."

Satosugu edits have ruined me inside out.

Blank pages- A peice of my mindWhere stories live. Discover now