Chapter III

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When I got back to my room, the first thing I did was text my sister and tell her I was coming. I would have expected her to say no, but instead she seemed really excited, replying with precisely thirteen exclamation marks. Maybe Scarlett did miss me like I missed her.

I took my books out and buried myself in schoolwork. The last thing I wanted to do was worry about Shane.

Deep down I knew Shane would never go out with Denise, but I couldn't help but wonder. Even though he hated her, he admired her determination. He always had a tendency to see the best in people when everyone else saw the worst.

My phone buzzed and the screen lit up. I had received a text from James. It said:

You okay?

I typed a quick 'Yes' before returning to my assignment. I had to write a brief report on the Holocaust, but I wasn't in the mood for research. I was just about to begin my math equations when I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Come in."

Peyton stuck her head in. "Hey."

I gave her a tentative smile before looking back at my school work.

"Look, I know its bothering you, so if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm there." Peyton sat next to me. I sighed and shut my book. Quadratic could wait. I leaned back on the bed and covered my face with a pillow.

"Ugh, my life sucks. He's the one guy I might actually have a chance with and he decides to fall for the enemy."

Peyton turned to face me. "We don't know if he likes her. He just blushed. That could mean anything."

I hoisted myself on my elbows and gave her an annoyed look. "You and I both know that's not true. He's gone after every girl who's shown even the slightest indication that she's into him. Well, every girl except me." I frowned and fell back onto the bed.

Peyton joined me and we sat in silence for almost ten minutes. We didn't say a word to each other, and the only sound heard was the low rumbling of the air conditioner. The silence was broken by the loud grumbling of my stomach.

"Looks like someone's hungry," laughed Peyton. I threw my pillow at her and chuckled.

"C'mon," I said, sitting up, "Let's go get some food."


We were all in the cafeteria at our standard table at the corner of the room. Normally, most students didn't turn up for dinner, but that night it was jammed pack, probably since they were serving pasta.

Ryan, Shane, and I were standing in the line together, impatiently waiting for our food. Suddenly a girl with short blonde hair who looked like a toad popped out of nowhere and winked at Shane.

"Hi cutie."

Shane turned bright red. Normally, when a girl hit on him, he'd reply with something smooth, not blush and stutter.


I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Ryan looked surprised at Shane's reaction. "Woah, dude. What's up with you?"

Shane turned away so that we couldn't see his bright face. "No-nothing. I'm cool."

"Bro, you're off your game. I thought you were smoother than that."

"I am."

"Man, you're smitten!"

"Am not!"

"Boys, please!" The two shut up and looked at me. I stepped out of the line and handed my empty tray to a student passing by.

"Wait," said Ryan, grabbing my arm. "Where're you going?"

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