Chapter XX

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“What is your problem?” she shrieked.

“My problem? You're the one who spilled their drink on me!”

“You were in the way!”

I was about to shove her when someone else grabbed my arm.

“Hey, she's not worth it.” Mikaela held me back.

Denise looked at me smugly. “You might want to get your eyes checked, midget. Your power's increased.”

“Well, you watch your drink next time, toad,” I sneered. We glared at each other until Isaac intervened.

“Alright, girls. That's enough.”

Denise stuck her tongue out at me and walked away haughtily. I showed her the finger.

“You need to get yourself cleaned,” said Peyton.

“Yeah, no shit.”

“Do you want me to come with you?”

“No, it's fine.”

I stormed off to my bedroom in a foul mood. It was the first day of school in the new year and she'd already ruined it.

I peeled off the stained white shirt and dumped it into my laundry basket. I washed off the orange juice that had managed to fall onto my skin. I grumbled and began looking for a new shirt in my closet. Just as I grabbed another shirt, someone barged into my room.

“What happened? Mikaela told me you and-”


I quickly covered my bare chest with the shirt in my hands. James face turned bright pink when he saw that I was shirtless.


“Don’t you ever knock?”

“I'm sorry!” He spun around and I quickly put the shirt on.

“Okay, you can turn now.”

He looked at me apologetically. I rolled my eyes. “Why are you here?”

“Miki told me what happened. I wanted to check on you.”

“Since when did she become ‘Miki’,” I asked, with my hands on my hips.

James groaned, clearly exasperated. “Are we seriously going to do this now? After all that I just told you?”

I instantly felt guilty. “Alright. I'm sorry. I shouldn't- yeah.”

“So, are you fine?”

“I- I am. I'm just very mad, that's all.”

“Why don't we eat lunch? That'll make you feel better, right?”

I nodded. We went to the cafeteria and joined our friends. Nobody said anything since they knew I was annoyed. I ate my lunch quietly, but I was still in a bad mood. There was only one thing that could lift my spirits.

I grabbed Shane's apple juice. “I'll get you another,” I promised. Before anyone could stop me, I walked over to Denise, emptied the whole thing on her head, and returned to my designated table.

“Okay. I'm cool now.”


Denise avoided me for the rest of the week. It was a good thing she was afraid of me, because if I ever saw her again, I'd probably murder her.

There was a game coming up, and everyone was caught up in that. It was the quarterfinals game. There were high expectations of the Cougars, since we had an undefeated last season. It was a crucial match; losing would cause us to be kicked out.

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