Chapter XVIII

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"So, tell me more about prom."

I was back home and in my bedroom, Skyping with my sister. She wasn't coming home for the holidays, and wanted the inside scoop on the Winter Formals.

"Well, April and Isaac were Prom King and Queen again."

"Valerie, it was your first Prom!" Scarlett excitedly shuffled in her seat. "It must've been an amazing experience."

"It was."

"Who was your date?"


"What about the Callahan kid? Why didn't he take you?"

"He's got a girlfriend now."

"He's got a girlfriend that isn't you?"

"Yes, Scarlett. He's got a girlfriend that isn't me."

"Sad. I really shipped you guys. But don't worry, relationships end."

I rolled my eyes. They were all the same.

"What about that guy you liked? The one who didn't like you back?"

"Who, Shane? Prom kinda sucked for him. He broke up with his girlfriend."

"That must've been good for you, right?"

"I don't know, Lett. It should've made me happy but it didn't."

She looked at me quizzically. "What do you mean?"

"I- I think I'm getting over him. Which is weird, because I thought I was in love with him. I mean, I was crushing on him for two years. You don't just move on from people you love."

"Maybe you didn't love him like you thought you did."

"Maybe. But I'm pretty sure he was my first 'real' love."

"You know, that's the best thing about first loves. They'll never be your last. See, now you'll have to focus on other boys, like a particular nerd," she added with a smirk.

I groaned. "Can you not?"

"Fine. Hot nerd."

"James is not hot."

She shook her head. "He is hot and you know it. In fact, you have the hots for him."

"I do not have the hots for my best friend!"

"But your babies are going to be so smart and cute!"

"Ugh. Just forget it."

She looked very satisfied with herself.

"Will you be coming home at all?" I asked, changing the topic.

She frowned. "I'm sorry, Val. I don't think so."

"But it's Christmas!"

"And I'm sure you'll have lots of fun without me."

I was annoyed with her. The least she could do was spend Christmas with the family.

"Hey, um, mom's calling me. I gotta go. Bye."


I disconnected the call and shut my laptop. I couldn't believe she was going to leave me alone with them. She knew exactly how much my parents hated me since the summer, but she couldn't care less. Clearly her boyfriend was more important than family.

I knew that my parents and my sister weren't on good terms, but it wasn't as bad as my case. My parents probably wanted her home more than me. At least she hadn't ruined a very important business contract for them.

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