Chapter Five - Scar's Past

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NOTE before the story: Hi all, I am happy to see that this story got a lot of views. But by far I've got 0 vote. I wonder if this story is really to people's liking. I am eager to hear some advice about my writing. You are welcome to leave some comments and help me improve the story plot.

In the Pridelands, under Rafiki's tree.

Bunga (yells and knocks at the tree): Rafiki! Rafiki you there?

The Lion Guards then heard a voice. It was not Rafiki's voice, but a young female mandrill's.

Makini (pokes out her head): Hey guys, guess what? You can't guess out what just happened. Rafiki told me that he would teach me three core skills of becoming a Royal Mjuzi. I am so so excited. I even wrote a song for it. I will sing it to you. Listen to this...

Kion (interrupts): Sorry Makini but we're in a hurry of seeing Rafiki here.

Rafiki (shows up): Ah, Lion Guards, you're here! I am just about to finish Makini's class. Makini is a bit too...talkative today. Back to the point, what're you seeking for?

Kion: A story.

Rafiki: A story? Hm, I have loads of stories about this land of Pride to tell. But which one are you truly seeking for?

Kion: Not just any story, Rafiki. A complete version of how Scar turned evil. You know, when I firstly became the Leader of the Lion Guards, you mentioned that Scar became evil when he was a Lion Guard. I wonder what really happened to him.(looks around) Right guys?

Rafiki (jumps down from his tree): Ah that. Good question!

Rafiki walked next to the Lion Guards. Makini followed him and climbed down the tree.

Rafiki: That happened during a rather unpleasant time. One month before Scar turned...dark, his and Mufasa's parents passed away. By their will, Mufasa succeeded them as the new king. Everyone was happy about the coronation of the new king, except Scar, who looked a bit upset. Yet he said nothing. Scar usually kept his disappointment to himself.

Bunga (scratches his head): Why didn't anyone ask Scar what vexed him?

Rafiki: Good question! Because he was constantly busy with the Lion Guards duties and seldom rested. Plus, everyone at that time assumed that he was sad about the departure of his beloved parents, none of them suspected that...

Kion: That he envied grand father Mufasa for gaining the throne?

Rafiki: Correct! That time Scar was still the leader of the Lion Guards and could be considered as the strongest lion in the whole Pridelands. He was tasked to protect the Pridelands from the constant threats from the hyenas and...outcast lions. You know, not only the hyenas were banished, lions who disrespected the circle of life got banished as well. Among all those ousted lions, one lion was special. (coughs and speaks in a furtive tone) One day when Scar, his guards were battling with the hyenas and were outnumbered, he jumped out to offer assistance. He saved Scar and the Lion Guards. Not long that, there was a charm about him that he quickly gained Scar's liking and trust, despite of the warnings from Scar's friends. It was this very lion who tricked Scar, attacked and scarred him. After Scar was hurt, he went crazy and used the roar to kill that lion. Later on Scar became more and more hostile and uncontrollable. He even started plotting against his own brother. You all know the rest of the story. When his guards refused to help him take Mufasa's throne, he unleashed a roar and killed them all.

Kion: Hevika bisa! No wonder Dad's so against me inviting Jasiri in! He thought Jasiri's like that strange and manipulative lion!

Bunga: Wait a minute! He can't think Jasiri is as bad as that strange lion. Before the strange lion attacked him, Scar already had thoughts of plotting against Mufasa. I doubt the strange lion was the one who convinced Scar to overthrow Mufasa. Scar was evil from the beginning, that's why he was so attracted to another evil lion. But our Kion is a good guy. Certainly he'd love to befriend with a good hyena such as Jasiri.

Rafiki (is shocked): What? Jasiri? The hyena?

Kion then told Rafiki about his conversation with Simba. After he finished the story, Kion pleaded Rafiki to help him convince Simba.

Rafiki (thought seriously for a while and says): Ah, that's going to be tough. Remember, Kion, Simba has a really bad history with the hyenas. Plus, his father Mufasa had a reputation of distrusting hyenas. It's difficult for me to convince him as well. But I will try.

Rafiki's words did not make Kion feel much better. He was still in a slightly gloomy mood. Ono who felt an urge to cheer Kion up, offered some useful ideas.

Ono: Kion, King Simba is against Jasiri coming into the Pridelands, but I don't think he cares if Jasiri is hired as one of the Prideland Guards but stays in the Outlands. She can protect the Pridelands even if she's in the Outlands, right? After all, our enemies are in the Outlands. She can set up the first wall of defense outside of the Pridelands.

Kion: What an awesome idea! Thanks Ono, this is really helpful! (turns to face his friends) Guys I am going to the Outlands and talk to Jasiri about this.

He was about to sprint but Fuli blocked his way instantly.

Fuli: You're not going alone this time, Kion. Remember what happened last time?

Kion (feels embarrassed): Alright guys, let's go to the Outlands together!

The Lion Guards then left Rafiki's tree. Makini was gone shortly afterwards. Rafiki who was left alone, went back to the tree. For Kion's safety concerns, he felt obliged to consult the Lions of the Past. He sat onto a bunch of leaves, closed his eyes and began chanting. It did not take long for him to hear some faint voices coming from the sky.

Rafiki: Lions of the Past, tell me, is there any danger ahead of Kion? (listens carefully) What, there's is?! What kind of danger? Is it related to the female hyena named Jasiri? (the voices sounded near his ears again) is? She will bring doom to Kion? How?

The voices grew intense and Rafiki had a bad feeling about it.

Rafiki (murmurs): The Pridelands will be in grave danger as well? Oh no! Tell me more details about it please, the Lions of the Past! I shall alert Simba and Nala immediately!

However, at this point the voices vanished. Rafiki did not get to know what kind of doom and danger would be coming to the Pridelands. He thought hardly for a while, before making a tough decision.

Rafiki: Ah Kion, I am really not against you making friend with a hyena. But you're too young and naive, so are your friends. The insightful advice from the Lions of the Past can't be ignored. I am afraid I am unable to help you convince Simba this time. Instead, I have to warn him. Let's hope that this hyena Jasiri won't lead you into ruins just like what the strange lion did to Scar!

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