Chapter 9

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Rekka and Haruna were startled by the sudden horn that echoed off the sides of the mountain. Haruna nearly lost her balance as the two of them reached the bottom of the slope.

"What the heck was that?" Rekka asked, making sure Haruna still had her balance.

"I'm not sure, but it was loud as heck..." Haruna steadied herself and looked around. "Rekka... Where's Kazuyuki?"

"Huh?" Rekka looked back. "Did he not follow us?!" She looked around in a bit of a panic, looking for her little brother. "Ugh, where did he get to?"

As Haruna and Rekka looked back up the mountain, a TV above the Racing Slope blazed to life. Then it displayed a camera view of the starting line, back at the top of the slope. Then the camera cut to a view inside the starting pavilion. It showed a girl securing her goggles over her eyes after having raised her mask over her face. Then the name Kyoko Aki appeared.

"Is that Ms. Aki?" Haruna asked. This got the attention of nearby students as they heard their teacher's name.

Then the Camera changed view to a boy straightening up after having secured his snowboard. Then, just as he raised his mask and secured his goggles, the name Kazuyuki Williams appeared.

"That's my brother!!" Rekka shouted out, mainly in surprise. "What does he think he's doing?!" Rekka's shouting got the attention of anyone else not listening to what was going on. She gazed in wonder as her brother prepared himself in the starting booth.

Then, a countdown appeared on the screen.

"3, 2, 1"

The gates of the starting booth sprung open. As they did, Kazuyuki and Ms. Aki launched themselves down the mountain. The first part of the race was straight down to gain some speed, and at first it appeared Kazuyuki was pulling away.

But Kyoko Aki then squatted down, and immediately gained some speed. By the time they got to the first obstacle, they were neck and neck. Ms. Aki took the inside line and gained a small lead over Kazuyuki. But Kazuyuki responded by getting on the inside for the next switch back turn. The next couple switchbacks were pretty sharp. And as they took them, Kazuyuki and Ms. Aki kicked up a wave of snow as they carved down the mountain as fast as they could.

The camera changed views to what appeared to be the bottom corner of a turn, looking at the obstacle, and as Kyoko carved around it, the speed of the playback slowed to a very cinematic shot. Then a moment later, on the opposite switchback, a similar view happened for Kazuyuki. Only something was unique about him.

"Do you see his eyes?" Haruna asked.

"They are, indeed, glowing..." Rekka said. Stunned at what she was seeing.

The camera changed back to the live race as Kazuyuki and Ms. Aki finished the last switchbacks. By this time, they were in view at the foot of the slope. So Rekka and Haruna slid over to watch them.

Rekka noticed that a crowd of students that heard the names of the racers formed at the base of the slope, watching on in amazement as their teacher and, arguably, the quietest kid in class, expertly handled the racecourse. The two finished the last switchback still neck and neck. All that was left was a straight downhill run. Ms. Aki squatted down again and tucked her head down. While Kazuyuki bent his knees and ensured his board was as straight as possible. Both of them were picking up tremendous speed.

"Come on, Kazuyuki!" A shout from behind Rekka made her jump. She looked back... And saw Katsuki with her hand to her mouth, shouting. Katsuki didn't even register that Rekka was looking at her, she was fixated on the racers as they barreled down the hill. "You can do it!"

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