Chapter 13 - Rekka and Haruna

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The night was long and painful. But not in the physical sense. The Suzakus and Kazuyuki arrived and were admitted immediately. Due to the room sizes, they were unfortunately split into two, adjacent rooms. Rin, Isake, and Miyu in one room, Katsuki and Kazuyuki in another.

Initially, Kazuyuki and Katsuki were going to be placed into separate rooms. But there were some... Complications.

Ever since Kazuyuki held Katsuki in his arms after saving her, Katsuki has refused to not be in the same room as him. She was still unconscious, but when Kazuyuki was initially taken away, she became so restless, borderline sleepwalking, while calling out Kazuyuki's name. This made it nearly impossible to treat her.

So, with the nearly instant permission from Katsuki's parents, Kazuyuki was allowed to rest in the bed right next to Katsuki. After that was settled, the staff quickly got to work tending to the Suzakus and Kazuyuki.

The hospital was initially told they were receiving several people from a full house fire they were pulled out of, so they prepped for five severe burn victims. But, to everyone's surprise, they only needed to be treated for extremely minor burns and cuts. The staff were amazed. The only thing they were all ordered on was bed rest and minor pain medication.

It's been about a day since they arrived, and all of this was done under the watchful eyes of Rekka and Haruna. Since their arrival nearly 14 hours ago, they haven't even considered sleeping. They haven't even left Katsuki and Kazuyuki's room aside from occasionally checking on the others. They even took turns eating when it came time, just so one of them were ready for anything at a millisecond's notice.

Jace has also been at the hospital for a vast majority of the time, but only after he had the scare of his life by seeing the trail left by Kazuyuki, the Suzaku house ablaze, and two ambulances hurrying away from the scene. But, when he finally got caught up with the others, all he could do was hold both Rekka and Haruna close. After that, he settled with a quick scolding about how Rekka needs to use her words or at least text him after she sorts whatever it is that's happened.

After that, Jace also never left the hospital. But unlike the others, it seemed all he did was sleep. Maybe it was because all the ones he cared about most were home now.


Rekka's body jolted as Haruna rested her hand on Rekka's shoulder. She looked around and saw she was still in Katsuki and Kazuyuki's hospital room. She, herself, was slumped over in the large, comfortable chair that sat next to Katsuki's bed.

"Yea?" Rekka rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have woke you..." Haruna said with a sigh. Rekka looked over to see her sitting in a similar chair that was pushed as close as possible to hers, with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

"No, no." Rekka sat up straight and stretched while groaning loudly. "I wasn't really asleep. Just spacing out, really."

"Hmm..." Haruna moved so she could lean on Rekka. She managed a smile towards Katsuki and Kazuyuki. "I don't think she's slept this well since we've been back."

"Oh god, no," Rekka smiled. "Sleeping like a log now... Lucky punk."

Just as they were talking about her, Katsuki started to become restless. The first time since she settled in the room.

"Katsuki?" Haruna, allowing herself to become hopeful, quickly shuffled to Katsuki's bedside. Haruna gently rested her hand on her friend's shoulder. Katsuki then became increasingly agitated. She started to moan as she moved the blanket to be closer to her face. Haruna attempted to help Katsuki rearrange her blanket to better suit her. Usually, after a few minutes, Katsuki would calm down and rest easy again. But this time was different. No matter how Haruna arranged the blanket, Katsuki wouldn't calm down.

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