Chapter 12 - Rekka and Haruna

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The best way to describe the last few days would be... Ungodly stressful. The families had been keeping in constant contact the entire time. Rekka and Haruna especially have taken on the role of personally watching over Katsuki. She had been released from the hospital after confirming that she would recover, but would need bed rest.

The problem is, she still hasn't woken up. All of her vitals are stable and are conducive to someone that should be perfectly healthy. Her recovery from near death hypothermia and head trauma was stumping all of her doctors. But what stumped them more is why she wasn't waking up. They assumed that her mental state had simply deteriorated significantly, and that being in a comfortable place surrounded by comfortable people would be the best cure. So she was given just that.

Rekka and Haruna, if they weren't with Katsuki together, would take 'shifts' to either leave to get some air or to assist the Suzkaus with something. Rekka would also make sure she was keeping an eye on Jace. He was hiding it well, but his stress level was at an all-time high. Not only was Katsuki not waking up worrying him tremendously, the trial for his son initially not going well at all had Rekka wondering if he was actually doing as well as he said. The only indicator that she had... Was that he was smiling a lot less recently.

But even with that, Jace insisted that Rekka spend as much time with Katsuki as possible. Only because Katsuki would show the most signs of consciousness when both her and Haruna were close. Katsuki would often talk in her sleep when they were nearby. She would adjust her sleeping position more often too. Not much to go on, but something was better than nothing.

But there was cause to celebrate in the Suzaku house today! Thanks to Haruna's mother sending the legal team that represents her company to aid Kazuyuki, his trial took a complete 180. As it was being televised, The Suzakus, along with Rekka and Haruna, couldn't help but celebrate every small victory that they got during the trial. Jace opted to not watch at the time. The biggest victory was when it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the video evidence produced was faked and, that Kazuyuki was acting in defense only and used as much force as necessary based on the situation. Just like any other Enhanced human would.

After the trial had come to an end, the group were talking amongst themselves.

"I never knew Kazuyuki had such power at his disposal..." Rin Suzaku said, softly.

"I mean..." Isake stretched as he sat next to his wife on the couch. "I had a pretty good idea after he healed my heart. But dang, remind me not to get in an arm wrestle with that boy."

The group couldn't help but laugh. The first laugh they had in a long time.

"So, when is Big Brother coming home?" Miyu asked, softly.

"Hopefully soon, kiddo," Rekka pat Miyu's head as she sat in Rekka's lap.

"If the verdict is early tomorrow, he could realistically be home tomorrow night, right?" Haruna asked.

"It all depends on logistics and paperwork after the verdict," Isake said. "If not later tomorrow, he should be home the morning after.

This got Miyu to sink slightly. "I miss him..."

Haruna rested her hand on Miyu's shoulder. "We miss him too, Miyu."

There was a moment of pause, before Miyu spoke again, softly. Almost like she didn't want anyone to hear, but couldn't help but say it.

"I miss Katsuki, too..." A single tear escaped her eye as she sniffed.

Rekka took a moment to steel herself. She knew she had to be strong for Miyu now. Strong for Haruna, who had been doing a great job of hiding her worry around the Suzakus for their sake. But the longer this went on, the harder Rekka was finding to keep her strength...

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