_.-+*•°𝑊𝑎𝑙𝑘 𝑜𝑛 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑎𝑦°•*+-._

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Well shit, guess I've got to go on an adventure then.

Genya POV:
    I lay on the bed for just a few more seconds, trying to gain energy to do something as simple as going on a walk to get used to a new place. I don't want to do this shit... But hey, at least I'm not fucking killing people. Though, my life has been taking so many turns, I might as well be. My brother probably just wants some time to himself in the house, he's finally escaped our father, and yet he still has to deal with me. He needs to settle in to the new place, too. Wait, now that I think about it, he's probably actually trying to kick me out... No, he wouldn't do that to me. Wait, he would though... Eh I'm fine, I got... Absolutely nothing, but I'm still fine if he kicks me out... I think. I sigh, pouting my lips slightly, stretching out as I get off of the bed again. I grab my phone, keys, then put on my jacket and shoes, before leaving the house through the front without another word.

    The house is right next to the bay, so I don't need to walk far to get there, it's maybe just a few blocks away. It'll be like walking to the park with my little siblings again. Except my little siblings are miles away, and I'm not going to the park, I'm going to somewhere completely unfamiliar. God, I'm going to have to see people there, maybe even talk to somebody... Ew... People... People are going to have to see ME, and maybe even talk to ME... Ew... Me...

(Not Genya insulting everyone including himself, same Genya, same.(sob emoji sob emoji))

    After about five or six minutes of walking through lanes of trees and paths of sand, I reach the shore of the beach, and I stop to stare at it for several seconds. Shit, this is still boring... It's barely anymore different than staring at my ceiling. Its just more... Cold, and moist. Fuck I'm so pessimistic and boring, I need to fucking cheer up about some damn things sometimes. I stare at the waves crashing against the rocks scattered out on the edge of the sea, before I start to walk parallel to the water, really having no real destination to go to, just walking. After a while, maybe half an hour of walking mindlessly around the shore, I find an empty park bench sorrounded by a few bushes. I walk towards it and sit down, slumping over slightly. While resting on the bench, I close my eyes, keeping them closed for several seconds, until I suddenly hear a woman's voice yelling in the distance.

"Hey, you!!!"

I open my eyes, looking around for the voice. In the distance, I see a woman in probably her mid-twenties with bright pink and green hair in long braids running, maybe even running my direction.


She yells out again. Wait... She IS running towards me. What the fuck is happening?? What does she want??


I ask, pointing at myself


She yells, and her running starts to speed up, even as she gets closer to me. I stand up in shock, putting my hands up in defense.

"Wait, what are you- HEY-!?"


She rushed into me. Welp, this was fucking worth it. I fucking love this crap hole of a situation.

_.-+*•°=𝑆𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑠 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑆𝑜𝑛𝑔°•*+-._ ( 𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑚𝑢𝑖 ) Where stories live. Discover now