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Starting to run out of ideas on what to put as thumbnails.

Author Edit:

I really am fucking sorry for how long it's been, I don't have that much free time. And when I do have free time, it's really only enough time to do small commitments. I'll try to post more, but I can't really promise that until summer break.

Also, I have to give Mitsuri's boyfriend a name (sadly), since she's not dating Obanai in this part of the story (again, sadly). Let's name him Kono, standing for K-illjoy O-ffensive N-asty O-bscene. Her boyfriend is the ugly ass bitch that rejected her in the original storyline. I winced in pain adding it into the story, I hate it. Kono doesn't deserve humanizing pronouns, just say 'it'.

This episode is literally Sanemi yelling about Genya then crying about Genya, Mitsuri also crying because she thinks Muichiro and Yuichiro went missing, Makomo and Sabito having to deal with Mitsuri crying, and Giyuu. That's it, just Giyuu. Giyuu's there too.

𝑆𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑚𝑖 𝑃𝑂𝑉:

God damn it, Genya! Where the actual fuck is that stupid kid!? He didn't come home last night, and I had to fucking sleep worried! Hell, I couldn't even fucking sleep at all because of that stupid kid and this shit ass situation! I called the bitch maybe like a hundred fucking times, and they were all sent to voicemail! And of course, as the amazing, scandalous older brother I am, I sent him death threats to politely and as gently as possible tell him to get his ass home. Even death threats didn't work! Which is weird, because they usually do. I always fucking send him death threats, why don't they work now when I need them the most!? Fucking things like these fail on me when I need them the god damn most, why don't they work now!? God must hate me or something!

A few hours ago, I had to get the police involved in the situation, which is just great, isn't it? They said they would get right on the case and that there would be a group of people trying to find him, but I still can't help but feel, well-... Apprehensive, you could say. It's not like I care about the boy or anything, I'm definitely not attached. I fucking hate the god damn kid, but-... He isn't familiar with the place yet. I don't know if he'll be able to find his way back if he gets lost or anything, I barely would be able to find the dumb kid myself if he did. Plus, he's the only one I really have right now. I'm not attached, though. I hope nothing bad had happened to him, he's too much of a fucking dumb stereotypical jock type of bitch to escape those type of shit circumstances. Oh yeah, and some more fucking great news! Turns out multiple people have gone missing in this city! Turns out it's not that fucking rare here! That's just great. Fucking great. God damn skank teenagers and their irresponsible crackheads.

A few minutes pass, but with me sitting on the couch unable to do anything, it feels like hours. I stiffen, desperate for some type of reassurance, and finally my phone rings. I jump at the sudden noise at first, but I quickly answer it, eager to hear something about Genya. Luckily, I do, but it's not the great news in expecting. "Hello? Is this Sanemi Shinazugawa?" I hear a woman's voice ask. I let out a shaky breath, trying to ignore the lump growing in my throat as I give an answer. "Yes, it is." I say, trying to not sound so scared. "What do you need?" "Well-," she starts, sighing softly, probably preparing for my reaction. "We found him, Genya, but-

-we can't seem to wake him up."

𝑀𝑖𝑡𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑖 𝑃𝑂𝑉:

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