_.-+*•°𝐴𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑉𝑜𝑖𝑐𝑒°•*+-._

166 8 14

Kinda short but yippee yoo gay people

and mist starts to emerge from the sea

Genya POV:
Where the fuck did all this damn mist come from?? I mean... probably from the damn fucking water in front of me, but... when did it even appear?? And... how in the actual fuck did it come up so damn ass quickly?? I swear to god, it just came up to me out of nowhere. And honestly, I feel targeted by the direction of the fog. I try to think of how this happened so quickly, but something else quickly becomes a higher worry. I stumble back slightly, the fog getting even heavier and blocking my sight, I look to my side for a second, before I try to look ahead of myself, but I can't see as far as I usually can due to the growing amounts of mist. I quickly put my hand in my pocket, pulling out my phone from it. I try to turn it on, and I try to turn on the flashlight for some source of light so it's just even slightly easier to see, but the second I do damn ass crappy piece of overpriced shit phone dies the second I turn the crap on. "Gah-! Worthless piece of shit!" I yell out, hitting my phone with the back of my hand as I try to express rage, but I'm scared of breaking it. I then hesitantly place he phone back into my pocket, feeling around all of my pockets on my pants and jacket as I try to find if I have anything else packed with me that I could possibly use, but luckily, I find absolutely nothing to use. Thanks to me I guess! I really thought ahead of time for myself and brought a flashlight for myself and totally charged my phone, DIDN'T I??? Round of applause to me! Shit, I can't do anything at this point. And not only that, it's getting late and dark, Nemi's going to try and call me, but my phone is fucking dead! I'm going to die wether I get home tonight or not. My only source of light is long gone, and I can't see actual shit around myself anymore. This situation couldn't possibly get worse, could it?? As the fog gets heavier and heavier, swirling around in the wind that also starts to pick up, the air gets harder to breathe in, so I start to stress the fuck out again. Desperate, I yell out, looking for an answer from anyone or anything. "Hey, is anybody there!?" I yell out in distress, but I get no answer in return to my pleas. I try to yell out again, but alas, no damn answer.

"Oh shit..." I whisper to myself helplessly, and by now, I can't even see my own feet and hands, and the fog only picks up further more, completely making my vision useless. Why the fuck is this happening, and why to me!? Did satan find out my sins!? Did I forget to hold a door open for a elderly woman once!? I stumble back once more, the sheer stress making me feel unbalanced and uncomfortable. I try to look around, but I'm not able to see shit, and before I can actually do anything for myself, my entire body suddenly freezes up. My body betrays me, and I can't move any longer, almost like I'm being put into some type of spell. My brain and heart is telling me to fucking run for my life, but the rest of my body disobeys, and almost falls over because of how limp my muscles have suddenly become. The actual fuck is happening... please tell me this shit is nothing but a dream... I tense up my body so I don't fall over, and I try hard to move any part of my body, but the only thing I manage to do is just twitch a few fingers. But just as quick as the mist appeared, a loud echoing, majestic warbling sound emerges from the sea in a tuneful song. The angelic sound makes all of my body freeze up completely, and I'm unable to say a word at this point. I tense up my body, my eyes widening slightly as I'm forced to stay still by my own body, and I'm unable to do anything but listen to the singing. Gradually, the singing gets louder, the angelic voices making me lose my train of thought. Subconsciously, I manage to move my muscles, but I don't run away, instead I step closer to the water. The song is so alluring, to the point where it makes me lose all reasoning, and I only want to get closer to the person who is singing it.

Suddenly, as I get closer to the water, a hand quickly emerges from the water, pulling me down into the deep cold ocean water that I thought was shallow. And it all goes black from that point on. As I go deeper under the water, I can feel three cold hands with webbed fingers wrap around me, the hands pulling me down even quicker than before.

_.-+*•°=𝑆𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑠 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑆𝑜𝑛𝑔°•*+-._ ( 𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑚𝑢𝑖 ) Where stories live. Discover now