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𝑴𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒐 𝑷𝑶𝑽:

"We're screwed." I hear my brother conclude as we sit in front of a lake, staring into the water hopelessly, watching our reflections stare back. "Yeah, yeah... You don't say..." I mutter, spacing out. We could be trying to turn ourselves in to apologize, or maybe even try to wake that boy up, but no. We're here. Somewhere in the stupid Kimetsu Park, staring at a stupid lake, running from our stupid problems. Who knows how long we'll be safe now. Yui puts a hand on the top of my head, grabbing a fistful of my hair and thrashing my head around, screaming something at me. I don't care, though. My life has already ended. If I could say heart emojis, I would. I wonder what Yui is saying, I've gone too far in my own thoughts, I can't really snap out of it now- "HEY, OW!!!" I exclaim, rubbing the top of my head where Yui had hit me. "Brother, why'd you have to do that!?" I look at him with concern and shock.

"Why the FUCK did you call that man CUTE!?" Yui yells, grabbing my hair again. "Ow, ow! BROTHER!" I scream, tears falling from my eyes. "I WAS NERVOUS, OKAY!?" I try to reason. "WE HAVE A DEAL, I KNOW!" I bury my face in my own hands. "I know we're supposed to only kill men who broke up with mom, but the way ma was crying in front of him made me scared she was getting hurt!" I explain, holding in my tears. "I didn't realize we messed up that bad, but when I did, I freaked out and pretended like nothing was wrong!" "SO YOU CALLED HIM CUTE!?" Yui shouts at me harshly. He grips my hair tighter, his anger growing. "Don't act innocent, you also agreed to kill him!" I argue. "You were the one who came up with the idea in the first place!" He growls. Eventually, he calms down and lets go of my hair. He growls. "You should've just killed him." He narrows his eyes at me. "I can't just kill some random guy!" I whine. He sighs, frowning. "Well, you refusing to kill him made the problem worse!" Yui points out. "We both know well that your little memory wiping spell doesn't always work how it should work." He mumbles. "Who knows if he'll remember what we look like or not. That scary lookin' rando might remember us and report us to the police!" He complains, glaring at me as I sniffle and wipe away my tears. "You're lucky I'm not telling mom." He mumbles, his eyes flickering back towards the lake. A moment of silence passes between us as I wipe away my last tear. "I don't care if you do or not... I'd honestly rather hear mom whining and scolding us for ten hours straight then hear you speak one more time." I mutter thoughtlessly. Before I can even process my own words, Yui turns to me again.

"What did you just say to me?" Yui asks, glaring at me, his eyebrows furrowed. I turn to face him, and the realization of my own words strikes me. "Wait, brother! I didn't mean it!" I put my hands up in defense, shifting my body to back up slightly. He grabs my arm and pulls me closer again. He growls, baring his sharp teeth- wait. Is he going to BITE ME OR SOMETHING!? "KYAAAAH!?" BROTHER, BROTHER WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I yell out, trying to push him away from me, but he keeps a firm grip. "You do NOT speak to me that way, Muichiro Kanroji!" He opens his mouth and gets ready to bite me, but luckily for me, a loud shout from the distance brings his actions to a halt.

"HEY, YOU!" A man from the distance yells. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STOP THERE!"

"SHIT!" Brother curses, and before I can react, Yui grabs onto my wrist tightly. "RUN. NOW." He demands strictly, before tugging on me hard, pulling me along with him. "Yui, wait- wait!" I yell. "What the hell are you doing!?" "STOP RUNNING!" The voice yells again. I try to look back, but once I try to, Yui tugs my arm harder to catch my attention. "DON'T LOOK BEHIND YOU." He commands. "Wha-?" I stutter, but I stop myself before I finish. I don't know what's happening, but I know listening to him is the best option. I run with him, refusing to look behind myself, ignoring how much I want to. Eventually he tugs my wrist one last time, pulling us behind a tree. "Brother, what-" He puts a hand on my mouth. "SHUSH." Yui whispers agitatedly, keeping me silent. "Just hide!" He demands under his own breath. We duck behind a bush, his hand still on my mouth. Footsteps from the guy that was chasing us stop momentarily, before they start again, growing louder. The leaves crunch along with the sound of footsteps. Eventually, the sound of footsteps stops completely. Silence passes, and my brother stands up, looking down at me. "Okay, I think we're safe for now-" "Hey!" A man yells, and he reaches out to and grabs Yui's wrist. "KYAAAAAAH!" Yui screams. "Brother!" I yell, standing up. I grab Yui's arm and try to force it out of the man's grasp, but he is too strong.

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