_.-+*•°𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑟𝑑 𝐸𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟°•*+-._

169 7 18

    This is a longer episode for y'all, though it's a bit boring :) but at least I tried.

    She rushed into me. Welp, this was fucking worth it. I fucking love this crap hole of a situation.

    She pushes me over with the force of her own body rushing into mine, and she collapses onto me. She groans with pain slightly, taking a second to lay on me like nothing is wrong, before she pops up off of me again, and instantly starts to quickly apologize. "Oh!! Sorry, sorry!! I'm so sorry!!" She repeats over and over again breathlessly, apologeticly and in an embarrassed way. She uses her hands to cover her own bright red face, whining slightly with embarrassment. I slowly stumble and get off of the ground, wiping the sand and dust off of my clothing before rubbing my own head. As I dust off my own clothes, I realize how dirty her clothes is, she probably fell over multiple times while running before finally reaching me. "You're fine..." I grumble out, before looking away, feeling a bit of embarrassment myself. "I guess..." I add, muttering the words quietly under my breath so it doesn't seem too rude.

    She slowly takes her hands off of her own face, keeping her eyes closed for a second longer before she opens them again, and she takes a second to stare at me. I glance over again, quickly realizing that she's staring at me, and my face quickly turns bright red. "W-What do you want!?" I stammer out loudly yet nervously. Suddenly, her face lights up with joy, and she smiles widely. "Wait, are you new here??" She asks, her demeanor changing in the weirdest way possible in just a blink of an eye. "Y-Yea..??" I stammer out skeptically. "W-What about it???" I ask, looking over again as I try to hide my embarrassment. "Oh my god, so nice to meet you!!!" She yells out with glee, and she takes a step closer to me. As she steps closer, I flinch back, and as I try to move away, she grabs my hand and starts to shake it almost violently. She starts to yank my hand up and down aggressively because of how suddenly joyful she is.

    As she starts to shake my hand, and also my entire body, I glance back at her, seeing that her expression is brighter than her hair color. Honestly, I think the red color on my face is brighter then both her hair and expression. I don't want to know how flustered I look right now, it's already embarrassing enough as it is. "My name is Mitsuri Kanroji!!!" Kanroji yells out with growing excitement. "Oh- uhhh..." Before I can answer, before I can even process what she said, she starts to ask more questions. "How are you today??? What's your name?? How long have you been living here so far??" With every question, her voice gets even more gleeful and loud. "Uhhh-..." She cuts me off every time I manage to stutter out a single word, smothering me completely with questions that range from random, to still random but just more personal.

    Kanroji continues to spill maybe thousands of questions into my ears for maybe a minute or two longer, stepping closer to me with every question. After a while, she realizes what she's doing, and she takes a small step back again. "Wait... This isn't helpful at all..." She mutters to herself, looking down at her own hands. "Sorry sir!!" She starts apologizing once again in a louder voice than before, almost screaming at me at this point. She lowers her head down in a apologetic bow. "Y-You're fine..." I stammer out, scratching the back of my own head, and my eyes start trailing down to the ground. She raises head back up again. "Okay... Getting back on topic..." She says in a quiet and confident tone. "Hm?" I look back over at Kanroji again, waiting for her next words. "Have you possibly seen my kids around here??" She asks, her voice becoming more quiet and concerned "They're usually over here when I can't find them..." She whispers to herself, and she looks to the side. The question stuns me a bit, I didn't expect to hear such a serious question after such a weird introduction.

    I instantly become a less uncomfortable, understanding the worry that she has. "Oh, well..." I pause between my words, looking around for any signs of life near us. "I haven't seen anyone around..." Saying that, she sighs heavily. "I-I could maybe look for them!! What do they look like??" I ask shyly, trying to seem confident, my face warming up again. "Oh, yeah. Well-" She starts to explain what her kids look like. She explained them as two short identical twin males that are around my age, with long black hair that gets more pale turquoise as it reaches their waist, she says that their eye colors are the same pale turquoise as their hair. She also mentions at some point of time that they are easily mistaken for females. As she finishes up her explanation, I stare at her for a few seconds, waiting for if there is any more information, and also trying to process the information she spilled at a quick pace. "Okay... I'll keep an eye out for them." I say reassuringly after a few seconds. These words cause her to sigh loudly, almost like she was holding her breath the whole time.

    "Thank you so much!!" Kanroji says gratefully, grabbing my hand to shake it once again gratefully, causing my face to go red again. "O-Oh! Uh... You're welcome..." I say as my voice trails off, even though I'm extremely embarrassed right now, I can't help but feel some self gratitude because how I actually finally helped someone. She squeezes my hand slightly, before letting go, and smiling at me. "Thank you!" She says, turning around and waving at me as she walks away. "Bye now!" "Bye...?" I say quietly back, waving at her slightly, still confused about what just happened. I watch as she skips away with energy, before I turn away from her myself and also walking away.

    Well, that was fucking weird... But it isn't as bad as I expected it would end up being. Hey, at least I actually have something to do now for once in my boring ass life.

    A little less than an hour later

    Finally, I made it to the edge of the bay, why the fuck is this damn beach so long anyways?? And why is there so much damn litter?? It's basically just a giant trash can at this point... Anyway, I didn't find anyone while walking, really the only kids I found were three little triplets with butterfly clips in their hair. I hope she found her kids by now. I hope nothing happened to them, either. I pull out my phone, turning it on to see the time, and seeing how late I am by now. "Shit... Nemi is gonna kill me when I get back..." I whisper to myself. Shit... I'm dead... oh wait, I just remembered, he probably doesn't give a shit about me. I just shrug it off the thought and put my phone back into my pocket again.

    I sit down against a large piece of driftwood that washed up on the shore, and I slump down against it. I stare at the ocean, listening to the sounds of the seagulls screaming at eachother as if they were screaming profanities, and the sound of heavy waves crashing and slapping against rocks. After a while of thoughtlessly staring at the sea, I pull out my phone to check the time again. "Shit!" I yell out, what had felt like maybe just give minutes was in reality another hour and a half. My brother's gonna fucking lock me out of the house of the house if I'm gone for any longer! I quickly put my phone back into my pocket, I turn around, and I start to walk quickly.

Until suddenly...

I stop dead in my tracks.

and mist starts to emerge from the sea.

Narrator: this was over 1300 words long :')

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