Chapter 1

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A nauseating sound came in from the small apartment. A light groan could be heard as the person moves his hand to find the source of where the sound is coming from. The person finally found the source which was non other than their phone ringing because their alarm went off. As they switched off the ringing sound they turned to look up to the white faded ceiling. "Just another day, Just another day" they whispered to themselves.

They got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. As they looked themselves in the mirror. They looked down to they abdomen and chest they saw two scar that is size of bullet holes. "I really need a tattoo over this shit *sigh* I  wonder how they doing. NO no no no Jeonghan dont think about them not after what they did to you" Jeonghan said to himself as he continued getting dressed and leaving his small but convenient apartment.

Yes, Jeonghan is still alive after getting shot by his sister. What happened was an old couple saw a trail of blood and decided to follow it and found him and immediately took him to the hospital. Where we was treated and taken care of. Once he regain consciousness he wanted to die as he had nothing left to live for. He had no family nor friends just nothing. The old couple somehow convinced him not to kill himself and he stayed alive. Telling the old couple what had happened they took him in and helped him recover.

Jeonghan feeling indebt to them paid for literally everything. Jeonghan was not completely broke. When he was still with his family he had made a secret savings account under his name and would send money to that account whether would be from his allowance or money he got paid from working with his parents or modelling jobs he would do from time to time. So Jeonghan was able to pay for his medical bill and help out in the house. The couple owned a cute coffee called Carat World that was running low on business and Jeonghan decided to invest some of the money to the shop and help rebuild it and work there for the old couple as of course he wanted to repay them for their kindness.

Jeonghan now lives on his own near the coffee shop, he still works there and visits Mr and Mrs Park from time to time. Jeonghan was just about to step out of the elevator to head out the lobby. When a guy he knew all too well stop him to 'talk'. "What can I do for today Mr. Chae" Jeonghan said as he looked at his landlord. "I told you to call me Hyungwon beautiful" His landlord Hyungwon said. God was this man infuriating to Jeonghan. "I think not, if you have nothing to say i need to get going i have a job you know". "Hold up not so fast baby, why don't come over to my place we can discussing some other methods of payment for rent" Jeonghan rolled his clearly disgusted by this whole interaction as it been happening ever since he started renting here. "First of don't call me baby its nauseating, Second there will be no discussion about anything as last i checked i never not once was behind with rent. Now can your cheap ass get out my way i am late on opening the shop" Jeonghan said and walked off not bating an eye towards Hyungwon. "God can i not have one fucking day without that slug ruining it fucking hell" Jeonghan said annoyingly to himself as he walking outside toward the coffee shop.

"I have been nice to you for way to long not anymore today whether you like or not i am gonna make you mine Babyboy just you wait" Hyungwon said to himself has he walked off pissed off.

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