Chapter 6

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Jeonghan huffed as he went inside the house. He looked outside the window and watched Seungcheol drive off. Jeonghan huffed again annoyed "Who does he think he is, that-that hot with a very attractive voice man think he is. Does he think he God or something" Jeonghan whined completely forgetting the fact he was in the hallway and Mr and Mrs Park saw and heard everything as they watched Jeonghan walk up stairs still mumbling things to himself. They were amused and decided to question Jeonghan tomorrow morning instead. Jeonghan got into his room and sighed today was an eventful day but not in the good way in the slightest. He had completely erased the thought that Hyungwon could find him at work and was not exactly anticipated that he was going to try kill him. Jeonghan shook is head deciding not to think about him and went to get ready for bed. As soon as he got into bed he sighed as he could finally de-stress and rest but a certain someone invaded his mind as hurriedly sat up "Jeonghan why the fuck are thinking about that fool. Yah go to sleep" he pulled his blanket and lied down. He softly sighed and soon went to sleep.

Jeonghan woke up the next day and got dressed for the day. He went downstairs and went to sit at the dinner table and have breakfast with the elderly couple, they exchanged good mornings and started eating after. "So when are gonna introduce us to your boyfriend" Mr Park asked causing Jeonghan to choke on his waffle. "Where in the hell did you get that assumption" Jeonghan asked after he composed himself. "Well last night from your little 'that hot with nice voice man' you ranting about last night" Mr Park said. Jeonghan ears turned red as he was embarrassed that they heard and he started to whine "Stupid Jeonghan Stupid" "Oh honey let's leave the boy alone for now he clearly is embarrassed but I am quite hurt he didn't tell us about him" Mrs Park spoke this time. "Firstly he is not nor will he ever be my boyfriend and Secondly *sigh* he is the guy that saved my life not once but twice already so we will leave it at that" Jeonghan said before this old people got any ideas. "What do mean by twice" Mrs Park frowned as she asked. Jeonghan sigh and told them what had happened last night. "Oh sweetie are you alright maybe you should rest today and we will take care of everything" Mrs Park said worried about Jeonghan. "No it's fine I will be fine don't worry about it and on that note I should leave to open up the shop" Jeonghan resured them as he got up toke his thing and started walking to the front door he looked back to see the old couple with worried faces and said "I will be fine I promise. Now I will see you two later ok. Bye" Jeonghan send his goodbyes and left as he walk to the bus stop for the next bus to head to the Coffee Shop.

Its was 12pm and the Coffee Shop had quiet down from the morning rush. There barely any customers left so Jeonghan just lounged around the Cafe as the tables he already done wiping them off the old couple are here too but in their small office at back of the shop. Jeonghan was behind the counter when the door bell ringed and in came a delivery man "I'm looking for a Yoon Jeonghan" the delivery man said as he got to where Jeonghan was standing just then the old couple came into view too. "That would be me" Jeonghan aside to the man in front of him. "Oh I have a delivery for you and would you please sign here" The man gave Jeonghan the clipboard where lay a piece of paper for him to sign. "I didn't order anything." Jeonghan frowned. "Oh someone had sent it but they did not leave a name unfortunately they just told to deliver here" The delivery man answered Jeonghan. Jeonghan signed and the man gave him a single rose with a note attached to the side. This was no ordinary rose tho it was red but the tips and the center of the petals were black.

 This was no ordinary rose tho it was red but the tips and the center of the petals were black

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