Chapter 8

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It has been 2 months since Jeonghan and Seungcheol met and 2 months since Jeonghan started getting roses in various of colors from said person. Jeonghan put the roses in a vase on the corner of his room so every time he woke up it woukd be the first thing he saw which would never fail to put a smile of his face. After 2nd week of receiving the roses Jeonghan was starting to get a bit irritated as Seungcheol still hasn't asked him out yet but shrugged it off as he told himself he was being impatient and waited. Now it's been 2 months and Jeonghan was beyond waiting and being patient. I mean for fuck sacks it's been 2 fucking months and Seungcheol still hasn't asked him out it irritated him to the core. Jeonghan had literally enough and today was the day he was gonna test his limits.

The shop was quiet now and there where barely any customers. As always his rose and note came in. And as expected the phone call came in soon after but today Jeonghan was feeling a bit rebellious so he decided not answer the phone call and turned his phone off and walked off to the back room to grab something to eat.

Seungcheol was in his office when he decided to check up on his pretty butterfly. He opened up his PC to go on the CCTV cameras he installed in Jeonghan house and coffee shop to watch his every move. As he was looking he saw that the rose just got delivered to Jeonghan and decided to call him like he always does when the rose gets to him. What Seungcheol was not anticipating was for Jeonghan to not answer the call. Seungcheol watched Jeonghan not answer the call and switch off the phone through the monitor which pissed Seungcheol off. "I thought I made myself clear to not ignore my calls butterfly." Seungcheol said through gritted teeth. He bit his inner cheek and fisted up his hand. He exhaled and ran his hand through his hair and continued to watch Jeonghan through the cctv monitors with dark raging eyes. He chuckled darkly and said "Oh my sweet butterfly what have you done."

Through out the whole day Jeonghan was all giddy. He knew what he had done and God did it excite him. He had drawn all the possibilities of what could happen but nothing had happened yet. It frustrated him that nothing had happened yet but he was so excited he was beaming. The closing time came around and Jeonghan was closing up the shop and  started walking to the bus stop. He was waiting for the bus when he noticed something he then frowned "Did he tell him not to come today" he whispered to himself. He shrugged it off and got on the bus when the bus arrived. He finally arrived at his stop and started walking to the house. He got to the front door and opened up and went inside. He noticed the lights were off and frowned but then remember that he will be alone for awhile as the old couple went to their hometown for a reunion and they left that afternoon. He put the light on and went upstairs to his room to get changed into something comfortable. He went inside and threw his bag somewhere just as he was about to go the bathroom, he was grabbed from the back of his neck close to hard chest. An arm was placed his waist the hand on his neck moved to his throat and squeezed lightly "You should have answered the phone butterfly" a deep raspy voice said in his ear. Jeonghan knew who it was to say he waiting for this moment oh he waiting for this moment he knew Seungcheol would have came eventually and God was this man hot for doing this Jeonghan almost moaned.

Seungcheol then turned Jeonghan around to face him his hand was still around his neck pushing him to the direction of his bed. Layed him down and hovered over him. When Jeonghan finally got to see Seungcheol he swear the man was too fine. He was in black dress pants and a white shirt but the shirt was so tight fitted his muscles was bulging out, his tie was on loosely. As he trailed down he saw the silver gun right on Seungcheol waistband. The gun did not phase him not one bit.

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