Chapter 4

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A peeping sound echoed in the room that's the first thing Jeonghan heard once he woke up. Soon after he slowly opened his eyes to see a white ceiling but its was not the white ceiling from his apartment because one at his apartment is faded and rusted. Jeonghan finally looked around and came to the conclusion he was in the hospital. What further concluded his suspicion was when a man in a white coat and nurse came in his room. "Oh you finally awake. Hello my name is doctor Kim Namjoon and this is Nurse Iseul. Can you please tell us your name as we did not get that information from the person that brought you here" Dr Kim said to Jeonghan. "Oh my name is Yoon Jeonghan and can give you emergency contacts if you need those and who found me?" Jeonghan asked. "That is what we don't know ourself they did not say much and left right after you got admitted in. You can give your personal information to Nurse Iseul here and after that i will tell you why you ended up here" Dr Kim said.

After giving the nurse his personal information and the doctor telling him what was wrong with him. Turns out he was slowly starving himself and he was extremely dehydrated which is why he passed out. About 30 min later Mr and Mrs Park arrived at the hospital "You have no right to scare us like this Jeonghan-na. We are too old for this. I almost had a heart attack after getting that call" Mrs Park said the moment she entered the room. "I am so sorry foe making both of you worry like this just a lot has happened the past hours" Jeonghan relied with a bit of guilt because he seriously didn't mean to make them worry this much. "Its ok Hannie but what happened" Mr Park asked as he too was distressed about the call. Jeonghan told them of what had happened the previous day and why we ended up in the hospital. Jeonghan is not the type of person to just air out his problem or talk about his struggles but with Mr and Mrs Park it was different he trusted them.

"You are not going to live there anymore. You are coming back with us and that's final and me and Daehyun are gonna fetch your stuff, God knows what would that man do to you if he saw you end of discussion" Mrs Park said after Jeonghan finished his story. "Do i have no say in this?" Jeonghan asked "NO" Both Mr and Mrs Park said at the same time. Jeonghan just sighed as there was no point arguing with them especially when they set their mind on sometime. Stubborn as hell. *Smack* "Ow what was that for" Jeonghan whined after he got smacked on the head by Mrs Park. "Didn't i tell you not use the money your saving account careless why the hell did you get a VIP hospital room. Do you not know how expensive this is huh." Mrs Park lectured. "Now that i think about. It was not me i woke up here" Jeonghan said with a confused face soon after absolute dread fell on his face thinking maybe his parents found out he was still alive even worse his sister. He started to slightly panic. Just then the Dr Kim came inside "I am sorry but who put me in this room as it the VIP room. I should be in the ER or something not the VIP." Jeonghan nervously question thinking the absolute worst possible out comes in his head. "The guy who found you was the one who got you the room and also paid for any medical bill too" Dr Kim answered. "How did he look like was he old or young?" Jeonghan questioned again. Dr Kim was confused on what's happening but answered nonetheless "He was Young man maybe in his early 30s or late 20s. He had black, cold exterior and he was tall but not taller than me however." Jeonghan released a breath of relief as it was no one from his past. "Oh thank you Doc i was just curious." "No it is alright anyway i am here to tell about the blood work we did and our next step forward for your recovery." Dr Kim said and continued on about the recovery and test that were taken. "Oh one more thing we discovered that you were part of that 1% of males that can bring life not sure if you knew about this." Dr Kim said. "I already know about this but thank you anyways." Jeonghan replied. Dr Kim smiled as he left the room. Mr and Mrs Park honestly did not care about what they just heard actually they were happy for Jeonghan but a little mad that Jeonghan never told them about it.

2 weeks had past and Jeonghan was back in the coffee shop working. He was released a week before and went back to live with Mr and Mrs Park. As said in the hospital the old couple did go fetch his stuff from his apartment and give in his notice that he is moving out of said apartment. To say Hyungwon did not take i well would be an understatement. Hyungwon went to the coffee shop to look for him but couldn't has he in bed rest at time, called him multiple times but never got an answer of course. He eventually put the apartment up for rent but was still determined to find out where Jeonghan is. A week after that Jeonghan went back to work as he was tired being tied up in the house doing nothing.

He was the counter taking orders when the bells from the door chimed indicating that customers came in. Jeonghan put on his best smile and looked up ready to take orders when he saw 8 men looking intimidating however except for one he had a different aura to which was more darker and alpha like as he if he was leader of the rest of which send shivers down Jeonghan spine. He also recognised them as the guys he saw that night from when he almost got raped by Hyungwon.

Jeonghan decided to take their orders "Welcome Carat World what can i get you guys" He asked. Tall one amongst them who almost looked like a puppy spoke and said "Can we get 6 americano's, 1 green tea, 1 black coffee two teaspoons of sugar no cream or milk, 2 carrot cakes, 1 cheese cake, 1 croissant and 4 chocolate cake please" The puppy looking guy smiled after sating their order. "That would be 2000won and will you be eating in or is it take out" Jeonghan asked them. "Eating in" The hamster looking one answered this time. "Alright then take this table number and i will bring your orders in a moment" Jeonghan said as he smiled their way. "Oh and you can seat anywhere you want" He said before he was off to make their orders.

Moments later Jeonghan fund out where they were seating and gave them their orders as he was about to go back he a deep raspy voice call out to him "What's your name?" Jeonghan turned around to see who was talking and to his surprise it was the guy he bumped into that night. "Its Jeonghan, Yoon Jeonghan" looking straight into the man eyes "And yours if you don't mind asking" Jeonghan voiced out. One thing about Jeonghan is that he rarely gets intimated by anyone nor is he afraid of saying what he felt. Growing up in a family like his there are things he needed to learn from a young age. Which explained why he was not phased them. "Choi Seungcheol" Seungcheol replied. Jeonghan extended his hand for a hand shake "Nice to make your acquaintance Seungcheol-ssi" "Likewise Jeonghan-ssi" Seungcheol replied as he shook Jeonghan hand with a small smirked which did not get unnoticed by Jeonghan as he let his own small smirk too. Jeonghan retreated back to his work station. The others just watched the interaction with amused as they never seen Seungcheol but decided not to speak and started eating. They did not stay long as they had places to be and left soon after they were done eating.

Later, the shop was closing and Jeonghan was locking up as the old couple already left. Jeonghan was walking down the street to get to the bus station as the was further away from the coffee shop. As he was walking he forcibly pulled by his back into a dark alley way. He was about to scream when said person closed his mouth so all that came out was muffled sounds. As the person pinned him against the wall he saw the person and it was none other than this fucking psychopath Hyungwon "You thought you could runaway from me. You are mine Jeonghan never forget that." Hyungwon said. "Fuck you and i will never be yours over my dead body." Jeonghan barked back while trying to get this delusion ass mans hands away from him. "Well i guess you gonna have to be dead then" Hyungwon manically laughed and started to choke Jeonghan. "Fuck-k y-you" Jeonghan choked as he was slowly loosing air.

The hand that was around disappeared in an instant and Jeonghan fell on the ground as started coughing and gasping for air. He heard a loud thud as he was trying to control his breathing. He looked up to see a silhouette near him "Why am i always saving butterfly" the silhouette said as he walked closer to him. He could finally see who the person was and he was surprised.


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