Chapter 2 - Wakeing Up

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Several weeks after Wheatly was found he wakes up.

Wheatly looks around trying to remember what happened last. Space yelled astriod and then it hit me, he remembered. Wheatly figured he had blacked out soon after it hit him but where was he now? Not in space.

He stood up. Then emedetly fell over. Trembling he picked himself up and clung to the wall for balance. Not dealing with gravity for the past year and a half must have taken a tole on his cordination.

Wheatly looks around he was in a large room the walls where painted light blue. The floor was made of wood. Across from him there where a few windows and a door to his left two more to his right and a small kitchen in the far left corner.

Then  the door on the left swun open. And out stepped ... her. Chell was carrying a large box full of metal plates, random computer parts and whires. She seemingly hadn't noticed Wheatly.

Chell set the box down on the floor and then looked over tward her work bench. Her face quickly twisted in alarm. Wheatly staired back at her unsure of what to say. Then she unfoze and ran to the kitchen grabbing a knife.

Wheatly understood why she'd be alarmed, but he wasnt in Glados's body anymore he wasn't insane anymore. But that didn't matter, the last time he had seen her he was trying to kill her.

"It's me! I know you think im going to try to kill you but I-" He stopped mid sentance as he looked at her.

Fear and pain filled her eyes and her arms where covered in scars. Wheatly had never noticed before every time she was burned by the lazers, every time a turent's bulit narowly missed her it was all there. The injurease healed but never really went away.

"Im SORRY!" He cried.

"I didn't mean to hurt you I just- I lost myself like when I was put in the matchine I emidetly began to hate you and believe you to be my enemy." Wheatly hurried to explain everything, "Like part of her was in me."

Wheatly was stareing at the floor now. In all of his shame, this is what he wanted right? A chance to explain and apoligise to her. But everything hurt more now then it felt like it ever did.

He looked back up at Chell. Chell was standing there frozen tears streaming down her face.

"Wait are you crying!? Don't CRY!!!" Wheatly took a step tward her but emedetly fell over again forgeting he needed to grab the wall.

Chell ran up to him and helped him up.

"Thanks." Wheatly said looking up at her as she halled him off the ground. 

Chell then seemed to remember who he was and emedetly dropped him running back to be a safe distance away.

Wheatly sat on the floor watching her. Half panicking half worring on what he could say to fix anything he sortove just froze in panick. Chell was moving her hands around wildy makeing diffedent simbles and movements before facepalming.

She walked the next room forgetting her knife that now lay on the floor sticking between two floorbords. Chell returned holding a small brown book and a pencil. 

After a minute of her scribling in it and writeing she reveild the pages to Wheatly.

"My name is Chell call me CHELL. You got hit by some astroid and crashed into my backyard. This is my home." She wrote.

Before he had betrayed her Wheatly useto call her Luv as a nickname sense he had no way of knowing her actual name. Perhapes hearing him call her that  would just hurt more.

"I did get hit by an Astriod in space. Then I sortove blacked out and woke up hear." Wheatly explained.

"What was that thing you were doiing with your hands earlyer?" Wheatly asked.

"Sine langauge," Chell wrote, "Its how I'm able to talk to other people."

"Other humans?" Wheatly questioned.

"I live in a village now," Chell wrote, "We do our best to build up civilization again after world war three which aparently happened when I was asleep a secont time right before you woke me up. Turns out humans are very self destructive."

(Note hear this is not actual lore from the game its just a good excuse for the story setting."

"So what do you do?" Wheatly asked.

Chell flitched as if she had just realised that a year and a half ago Wheatly had wanted her dead. She scribled in the notebook again, "My job is to collect brocken matchinery and figure out what its used for then repair it, I also  just sortove fix things."

"Alright Lu- I mean Chell! Sorry sorry!" Wheatly said.

Chell looked like she was ready to stab him in the eye repeatedly.

There was a nock at the door. Chell picked up her knife and put it away. Then rather reluctently answered the door.

"Hi!" An excited voice came from the doorway. Then a girl stepped into the house.

Chell used sine langauge again but Wheatly couldnt understand it.

"Oh it's finaly awake? Im Lily" Lily said waveing to Wheatly.

"What do you call it?"

Chell replied with sine langauge again.

"Oh do you want me to help you teach it?" Lily asked and Chell noded.

"Hello Wheatly, Im Chell's friend Lily. Im going to teach you sine Langauge."

Thank you for Reading!

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