I just feel like writing to you today
It's just that I have so much going on in my head right now
I feel like it's going to burst any minute
Same old predicament really
It's like I am constantly haunted by misery
Like I am the most desirable prey in the world to feast upon
I wanted to break free from these demons
God how I wish I could already
But it seems like it has it's claws burried within me
it just won't disintegrate no matter how hard I try
How I hate my life right now you have no idea
Everyday I was just trying to get by
Like everyday is a struggle I have to endure
Like living is a curse I have to carry
It's getting it's toll on me
I'm just so fucking tired
How can I make all these stop
I'm still young but I'm already exhausted
I have already given up on life
Please tell me what's good in living
when every single day is a battle I have to win
I'm worn out
So damn worn out
Is it too much to ask for even a bit of happiness
Depression is eating me raw
For I may look sturdy on the outside but I am so weak inside
I'm slowly crumbling down to pieces
How can I make all these stop
All these
Yours with hope