Part 12 - Little Star

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"This little star, is mine now..."

MK heard those words ring out in his mind.

He'd just watched and listened to the entire conversation between the shadow creature and Macaque. And it was killing him to listen to that creature tell Macaque, that he'd basically figured out who he really was, and that both his real parents, were him and Wukong.

But what worried him the most, was the expression on his dad's face. Macaque had froze and didn't move, until he became angry with the creature for mentioning MK's birth name.

And although Macaque seemed very protective of him, MK still had so many doubts and didn't know how to feel. Did Macaque actually care about him? Their past and MK's recent dreams of what happened, were a solemn reminder of how his dad threatened him and Monkey King when he was only an infant. 

Macaque was the whole reason Monkey King had to abandon him in the first place...

Yeah. MK finally figured out who that little monkey was in his dreams. After all these years, he finally knew why he was different, but it was the shadow who made him realise it.

At this point, MK was so distraught that he didn't even question how his dad had managed to enter his mind in the first place. Not to mention, it was a little shock to learn that Macaque seemed to know this shadow creature? MK shook his head, trying to stop his thoughts. He covered his ears to try and stop listening, but he could still hear the voice inside his head. He didn't want to hear or see anymore. He just wanted to go home, to be with his parents. He just wanted a normal life...

"Now then."

MK flinched, flicking his head up to stare at the shadow.

It stalked toward him, and MK looked around frantically - Macaque was gone?

He began to panic, stumbling to his feet, "W-where is-"

"Your dad?" 

The creature grinned, and chuckled at how the teen froze.

"He had to leave. I didn't want him to interfere."

MK's mind wondered - 'Nothing can stop Macaque,' He thought. The dark simian was a literal warrior and unstoppable at that. So how...?

"Ready to meet your destiny?" The shadow cut in.


It laughed, before turning emotionless, "They can't save you now." 

MK's freaks out, causing him to fall backwards and scramble away across the floor in a panic - knowing he couldn't really escape whatever this thing was. He didn't take his eyes off the shadow - watching as it continued moving forward with it's head tilted slighty, and a haunting grin on it's face. 

Then... it jumped at MK.

The flung his arms out to cover his face and screamed.


After meeting with the curse, Macaque found himself being forced out of MK's mind. He had to rip himself away from the kid - shadow magic dancing across his hand, indicating his connection had been severed and Wukong gave him a horrified look. He was very concerned after what he'd just witnessed. Macaque was a formidable warrior, that was strong and almost unbeatable, so... why did he pull away from the kid so quickly and with a frightened expression? The thought put Wukong on edge instantly.

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