Chapter 2- Meeting Everett

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This chapter is dedicated to lola_amazing because she listened to me and got an account. Go you!



That's what ran through my veins when I realized I only had 5 minutes until Everett comes to get me. I ran to the wardrobe to look for something cute to wear and came out with a lacy black tank top with navy skinny jeans and black flats. I brushed through my hair quickly after changing, and put it in a ponytail. A knock on the door had me running for a pair of earrings to wear with the outfit. I finally grabbed some black studs and put them on. I threw open the door after grabbing my wallet and was greeted by a smiling Everett.

"Did you know you look really good in black?" He asked. "You look beautiful." I blushed at that and he grinned even more.

"Thanks." I replied.

"But you would look even more stunning like this." He said quietly and spun me around and took off the ponytail. He smoothed out my hair and turned me back around after resting his hands on my neck for a moment.

"After you, Tori." He held out a hand an I took it, letting him lead me o the cafeteria hand in hand.

We got to the cafeteria and Everett pulled me towards a table.

"This is where you will be sitting from now on. I hope you like it." The table was black, with two chairs. It was placed in a shady corner of the cafeteria with no windows and the only light was a single candle in the middle.

"Why only two chairs?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"Because only two people sit here. I didn't have a partner assigned to share a table with a the beginning of the year so now, I have you." He smiled again before dragging me to the food. Apparently there were two separate places to get food. The cheap place, which was like a fast food place with yogurt, and there was an expensive place. It had anything you wanted because of a very talented chef.

Everett ordered a chicken parm from the expensive place we were at. I ordered spaghetti with butter sauce and salt. A few minutes later the food was ready, and we went back to our table.

"So, tell me about yourself." Everett said. I nodded.

"I am 16 years old. My favourite colours are black and cobalt blue, oh, and deep green. I live with my mom- or used to before someone kidnapped me." I looked pointedly at him with a smirk. He just shrugged in response.

"My middle name is Calla. My favourite holiday is christmas, so if you come to my cabin during winter and it looks like red and green threw up on it, don't be surprised. My most embarrassing moment was when I was 12 and accidentally flashed a guy and he thought I liked him. I didn't though, like him. I'll tell you my most personal thing after you tell me about yourself." I finished.

"Okay. I'm 16, to. My favourite colours are anything dark. I used to live with my dad, so I am a bit stubborn. My middle name is Xavier. My favourite holiday is Christmas, to. My most embarrassing moment was getting drunk at 14 and coming home only to find out that my great aunt was there from Montreal for a visit. It was pretty funny. I'll only tell you my most personal thing after I know your ready to hear it. So what is your most personal thing?"

"Um. My dad is dead because of my mom. He killed himself because they couldn't be separated and he wanted to test out if he died he would come back to life. He never did." I said. Everett's smirk turned into an expression of sadness. He pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me, comforting me. It felt... Nice. I didn't expect it, so I was surprised. I was even more surprised when he kissed my cheek softly before resting his chin on the top of my head. Soon I just rested my head against his chest. I was closing my eyes until Melody rushed into sight calling my name. She stopped yelling when she saw us and walked over.

"Sorry to interrupt whatever it is you were doing but I need to see you in my office to explain things now. Sorry Everett. Meet her at her locker in about 2 hours." He nodded and I slid off his lap. He stood up and whispered in my ear "see you later, babe."


Sorry it's so short! Can you guys spread the word to your friends? I really want to get my books out there. Check out saved by the alpha, it's by me. Jut click on my profile, it should be there.


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